- Try a new QR code generator.
- Enhance the display for GF raw values.
- Update the material search to display create material first.
- Properly use the selected machine when multiple machines are present.
- Add some typedefs to the
side of things.
- Eat redux store errors.
- Don't scroll the search box.
- Updating some of the copy-text.
- Add quick backup management solution.
- Add backup task before migrating to
. - Better QR Code detection.
- Fixes several quirks with synchronizing materials.
- Enables validation on form submit.
- QR Code detection enhancements.
- Added a cloud sync toggle, only sync what you want.
- Added the ability to create a new material from search.
- Added better navigation between edit and display screens.
- Sorted the material list.
- Better input validation detection.
- Help text everywhere.
Plus an assortment of other minor UI/UX tweaks.
- Added support for scannable QR code to create your own homemade "Proofgrade" like material.
- Added QR codes that contain your full settings for sharing.
- TODO: Implement automatic importing.
- Added the ability to set a material from the UI.
- Increase the syncronization speed.
- Added the ability to download your traces / svgs.
- Added a search filter to the materials list to make finding a material easier.
- Added some input validation, more to come.
- Added unique material ids
- Converted to TypeScript
- Overhaulded the UI.
- Fixes a bug where in certain cases the materials would keep trying to upgrade.
- Fix a bug where null thicknesses are causing the nodes to keep upgrading.
- Fix glowforge settings causing unknown errors.
- Fix refreshing the extension page.
- Fix power settings for values below 50.
- Fix padding when there are multiple score or engraves.
** User Features **
- Verify settings at startup against sync settings.
- Display LPI settings.
- Ability to clone existing materials.
- Fix macOS High Sierra display issues.
** Developer Features **
- Automatically set the extension id.
- Enable the material manager to work on all tabs.
- The sync icon is now gray when not in an active glowforge tab.
- Any temporary materials are save when the extension window closes thus allowing you to look at settings in a different window.
- Sync state is now correct upon opening the tab, it used to wait for 5 seconds before updating.
- Do not reload the page upon removing a material when outside of the GFUI tab.
- Enable cloud sync.
- Display power settings in each label.