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Upgrade between old versions of Taiga

Default upgrade process

Frontend application

cd ~/taiga-front-dist
git checkout stable
git pull

Backend application


Run as user taiga or whatever user you use, do not run this code as root to avoid errors.

cd ~/taiga-back
git checkout stable
workon taiga
git pull
pip install -r requirements.txt

If you have some contrib plugins installed you should to upgrade them before the next step.

python migrate --noinput
python compilemessages
python collectstatic --noinput

In case you are using circus as the process manager:

circusctl reload taiga

In case you are using systemd as the process manager (recommended since taiga 4.0):

systemctl restart taiga

In case taiga-celery is configured reload it too.

With circus:

circusctl reload taiga-celery

With systemd:

systemctl restart taiga_celery

5.0.x > 5.5.x

Python >= 3.6 is needed

There is a BREAKING CHANGE here because you need to upgrade to python >= 3.6. one solution could be upgrade to upgrading to Ubuntu >= 18.04 and regenerate the virtualenv with the new python version.

$ cd ~/taiga-back
$ mkvirtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3 taiga
$ workon taiga
$ python --version
Python 3.6.9    # or latest

Follow the default process.

4.2.x > 5.0.x

Follow the default process.

4.0.x > 4.2.x

Follow the default process.

The migration could take a long time if you have a large database.

3.4.x > 4.0.x

Follow the default process. Please note that several libraries were updated in this release so it is very important to not miss the pip install -r requirements.txt step.

3.3.0 > 3.4.x

Follow the default process.

The migration could take a long time if you have a large database.

You should to reload the fixtures with:

cd taiga-back
workon taiga
python loaddata initial_project_templates --traceback

3.2.3 > 3.3.x

Follow the default process.

The migration may take a long time if you have a large database.

3.1.0 > 3.2.x

Follow the default process.

3.0.0 > 3.1.0

PostgreSQL >= 9.4 is needed

in this release PostgreSQL > 9.4 is the officially recomended version because all JSON columns will be migrated to JSONB to reduce the db disk space usage and improve performance.

Changes to settings for REST_FRAMEWORK throttling.

If you have modified your REST_FRAMEWORK settings, you have to care about the changes introducted in the new version:

  1. In REST_FRAMEWORK["DEFAULT_THROTTLE_RATES"] you must handle the fact that anon and user scopes settings have been renamed and split into anon-write, anon-read, user-write and user-read.

  2. In REST_FRAMEWORK["DEFAULT_THROTTLE_RATES"] we have added new scopes of throttling (by default set to None), they are login-fail, register-success, user-detail.

  3. In REST_FRAMEWORK["DEFAULT_THROTTLE_CLASSES"] the new default throttle class is taiga.base.throttling.CommonThrottle.

Changes to settings because celery upgrade from 3.x to 4.x.

We have migrated to celery 4, and split the configuration in two different files. Therefore if you have configured any celery settings in your settings/ you must move them to the settings/ file. Besides, before update the workers and taiga-back, ensure that your tasks queue is completely empty because the tasks format isn’t compatible (if you can’t stop your service during the upgrade, you have to follow the instructions given by celery creators here:

Follow the default process.

The migration may take a long time if you have a large database.

You should reload the fixtures with:

cd taiga-back
workon taiga
python loaddata initial_project_templates --traceback

Upgrade from Ubuntu 14.04 system to Ubuntu 16.04

To upgrade from 14.04 to 16.04 you have to follow the official Ubuntu process:

$ sudo apt-get install update-manager-core
$ sudo do-release-upgrade -p

Then you have to upgrade to the new postgres version maintaining the old data:

$ sudo apt-get install -y postgresql-9.5 postgresql-contrib-9.5
$ sudo apt-get install -y postgresql-doc-9.5 postgresql-server-dev-9.5
$ sudo pg_dropcluster 9.5 main --stop
$ sudo pg_upgradecluster 9.3 main
$ sudo reboot

Then you have to use the circus service from ubuntu.

$ sudo pip uninstall circus pyzmq
$ sudo apt-get install circus
$ sudo mv ~/conf/circus.ini /etc/circus/conf.d/taiga.ini

Rebuild your virtualenv

$ rmvirtualenv taiga
$ mkvirtualenv taiga -p /usr/bin/python3.6
$ cd ~/taiga-back
$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Reboot the system

$ sudo reboot

3.0.0 > 3.1.0

Follow the default process.

If you want to have svg thumbnail images install cairo library.

apt-get install cairo

2.1.0 > 3.0.0

Extra step for instances with gogs plugin installed

Taiga contrib gogs plugin has been moved to taiga core so if you installed the plugin you must uninstall it first:

  • In taiga-back/settings/

    • Remove taiga_contrib_gogs from your INSTALLED_APPS

    • Remove the PROJECT_MODULES_CONFIGURATORS["gogs"] setting added

  • In taiga-front/dist/conf.json remove /plugins/gogs/gogs.json from the contribPlugins section

  • In taiga-front/dist/plugins remove the folder gogs

Follow the default process.

The migration may take a long time if you have a large database.

Now project templates can be sorted and a new permission has been added to allow users to add comments (instead of using the modify object permission for this purpose). The fixtures must reloaded using:

cd taiga-back
workon taiga
python loaddata initial_project_templates --traceback

2.0.0 > 2.1.0

Follow the default process.

1.10.0 > 2.0.0

Follow the default process.

This version upgrades Django to 1.9, so if you overwrote the DB settings in taiga-back/settings/ you have to change the DB backend to use the default.

So, change…​

# In Taiga <= 1.9
    "default": {
        "ENGINE": "transaction_hooks.backends.postgresql_psycopg2",


# In Taiga >= 2.0
    "default": {
        "ENGINE": "django.db.backends.postgresql",

1.9.1 > 1.10.0

Follow the default process.

The migration may take a long time if you have a large database.

1.9.0 > 1.9.1

Copy your conf.json from taiga-front-dist/dist/js/conf.json to taiga-front-dist/dist/conf.json.

Remove the following folders dist/fonts, dist/images, dist/js, dist/locales, dist/styles, dist/svg.

Download the latest version of plugins following their installation instructions.