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Notes on Releasing mpld3

Cutting a release of mpld3 is a bit more complicated than for a normal package, because there are both Python and Javascript components, and the versioned Javascript components must be simultaneously synced on the web.

The following is the outline of how to cut a new mpld3 release. For concreteness, we'll assume we're releasing version 0.3.0 (change this accordingly)

It's good to make a new release of the npm package even if you haven't made any Javascript changes, so that it's clear for users that they're on the latest version.

Local testing

Double-check that unit tests pass. Run Python tests using nose2 mpld3, and then run Javascript tests using make test.

Examine visual tests, including checking for interactivity.

$ python --local

Click, drag, and hover on every plot to make sure that things work as expected. If possible, do this in a few browsers: Chrome, Firefox, Safari...

Changing versions and building

  • Change the release number: in mpld3/, change the version to 0.3.0
  • Remove old Javascript sources: git rm mpld3/js/mpld3.*.js
  • Make the new Javascript sources: make javascript
  • Confirm that src/version.js contains the correct version, and that mpld3/js/mpld3.v0.3.0.js and mpld3/js/mpld3.v0.3.0.min.js exist.

Now we need to separately build the JS for use with Browserify.

  • Go to mpld3/js/
  • Change the version in package.json. In vim you can just e.g. :%s/v0.2.9/v0.3.0
  • Remove old dist/ files with rm dist/*
  • Run npm run build

Updating the website

Copy the Javascript to the separate website repository:

cp mpld3/js/mpld3.*.js ../
cd ../
git add .
git commit -m "Update Javascript"
git push origin master

Update the website documentation. Make sure mpld3 is installed and that the packages in doc/requirements.txt are also installed. Additionally, make sure sphinx, nbformat and nbconvert are installed.

cd doc
make clean
make html
cp -r _build/html/* ../../
cd ../../
git add .
git commit -m "Update website for version 0.3.0"
git push origin master

Testing with remote JS

Run all the visual tests again, using the version we uploaded to the website, since this is how most users will be accessing the JS libraries with the new release. Simply omit the --local flag: python

Pushing to master

Once all this works, add all the new files to master:

git add .
git commit "Bump to 0.3.0"
git tag -a v0.3.0 -m "Version 0.3.0"
git push && git push --tags

Publishing to PyPI

Once you've confirmed that everything works, you can upload the package to PyPi. You'll need to be listed as a package maintainer to do this.

You will need to have the build and twine packages installed.

rm dist/*
python -m build
twine upload dist/*

Publishing to npm

Now you can publish the Javascript for use with browserify to npm.

cd mpld3/js
npm publish

Switching to a new development version

You probably want to switch to a development version to avoid confusion:

  • Open mpld3/ and change the version to 0.3.1-dev.
  • Type make javascript to make the new Javascript

You're finished!