The box will have a collection of available services. These services are meant to work independently of each-other and only interact with each-other through their respective endpoints. Yes, microservices.
- Board
- Notes
- Files
- GitD
- Security
- Dash
- Social
Implementations for each one of the available services, this would act as an initial readme for each of these repos, when they're created.
Each one of these projects/services will:
- Expose it's own api endpoints.
- Be self-contained/independent.
Board solution, will take inspiration from WBO to create a real-time offline-first experience.
A notes app, based on my own stripped down notes app, literally only a handful of endpoints.
A solution for file synchronization... similar to Dropbox, though maybe something simpler like rsync or sftp already works well enough. Maybe just a Web UI?, since all devices that aren't able to use sftp or rsync easily usually only need 1 file and are mobile user/loser devices. I still gotta ponder on this tho.
A solution for git synchronization... similar to Github.
Page to be served on a root path HTTP GET / from ports 80/443.
- Services (add/remove/toggle services)
- Storage (view total/used/left)
- Power (view total/used/left)
- Security
- Replication
- Users