Using GitHub Markdown task list syntax (
- correct README (context: the readme seems wrong, I had to
cd server; python
, also you need topip install -r requirements.txt
in server/ if you don't have flask) - remove extraneous right arrow (context: there's an extra right arrow that doesn't seem to do anything)
- make player opaque and the width of the screen (context: the transparent overlay is just a distraction, should probably be opaque and the width of the screen)
- users should probably be able to re-record sounds; it's not useful to fully disable them
- for allowing users to re-record, need to use unique filenames (take uuid out of filename, add a counter)
- when you start recording, it needs to pause the sample playback
- stop the sample playback when user begins recording
- pause the sample playback when user begins recording (requires non-native HTML player) (punting on this)
- "uh" and "oh" should be separate noises (might need to record a new sound)
- and we should clean up the examples on some of them, like
- smooch has double-smooching which will confuse the training, and
- each noise should just have one example sound file imo
- general ui cleanup
- simplifying the interstitial text
- and adding some kind of license agreement to the interstitial should be it and we're ready to publish
- stop recording should maybe be in a different spot from start recording, because users will be likely to have talon running with the noise recognizers
- "archive" older TODOs and use Github Markdown syntax instead
- nuke misc sound files
- update README and a couple of other minor things
- hide "Is Flac" checkbox