Java Candid for The Internet Computer (IC4J) is a collection of open-source native Java libraries designed to handle Candid types on the Internet Computer. Full documentation here code is implementation of the Internet Computer Interface protocol it's using Dfinity Rust agent as an inspiration, using similar package structures and naming conventions. Candid is available under Apache License 2.0.
Candid | Java |
bool | Boolean |
int | BigInteger |
int8 | Byte |
int16 | Short |
int32 | Integer |
int64 | Long |
nat | BigInteger |
nat8 | Byte |
nat16 | Short |
nat32 | Integer |
nat64 | Long |
float32 | Float, Double |
float64 | Double |
text | String |
opt | Optional |
principal | Principal |
vec | array, List |
record | Map, Class |
variant | Map, Enum |
func | Func |
service | Service |
null | Null |
import java.math.BigInteger;
import org.ic4j.candid.annotations.Field;
import org.ic4j.candid.annotations.Name;
import org.ic4j.candid.types.Type;
public class Pojo {
public Boolean bar;
public BigInteger foo;
Pojo pojoValue = new Pojo(); = new Boolean(false); = BigInteger.valueOf(43);
Use JacksonSerializer to serialize Jackson JsonNode or Jackson compatible Pojo class to Candid
JsonNode jsonValue;
IDLType idlType;
IDLValue idlValue = IDLValue.create(jsonValue, JacksonSerializer.create(idlType));
List<IDLValue> args = new ArrayList<IDLValue>();
IDLArgs idlArgs = IDLArgs.create(args);
byte[] buf = idlArgs.toBytes();
Use JacksonDeserializer to deserialize Candid to Jackson JsonNode or Jackson compatible Pojo class
JsonNode jsonResult = IDLArgs.fromBytes(buf).getArgs().get(0)
.getValue(JacksonDeserializer.create(idlValue.getIDLType()), JsonNode.class);
Use DOMSerializer to serialize DOM Node to Candid
Node domValue;
IDLValue idlValue = IDLValue.create(domValue,DOMSerializer.create());
List<IDLValue> args = new ArrayList<IDLValue>();
IDLArgs idlArgs = IDLArgs.create(args);
byte[] buf = idlArgs.toBytes();
Use DOMDeserializer to deserialize Candid to DOM Node
DOMDeserializer domDeserializer = DOMDeserializer.create(idlValue.getIDLType()).rootElement("","data");
Node domResult = IDLArgs.fromBytes(buf).getArgs().get(0).getValue(domDeserializer, Node.class);
Use JDBCSerializer to serialize JDBC ResultSet to Candid
ResultSet result = statement.executeQuery(sql);
IDLValue idlValue = IDLValue.create(result, JDBCSerializer.create());
List<IDLValue> args = new ArrayList<IDLValue>();
IDLArgs idlArgs = IDLArgs.create(args);
byte[] buf = idlArgs.toBytes();
To add Java IC4J Candid library to your Java project use Maven or Gradle import from Maven Central.<dependency>
implementation 'org.ic4j:ic4j-candid:0.7.4'
This this is using these open source libraries
To manage Jackson objects.
To parse IC IDL Candid files
You need JDK 8+ to build IC4J Candid.