Running thrift service on istio
Create namespace and workloads(a thrift client and a thrift server)
make install
Test sending request from client to server
kubectl -n thrift-demo exec -it -c demo `kubectl -n thrift-demo get po | grep client | awk '{print $1}'` -- /example -addr=thrift-demo-server:10005
Verify Envoy receive correct listener config
kubectl -n thrift-demo exec -it -c istio-proxy `kubectl -n thrift-demo get po | grep client | awk '{print $1}'` -- curl | less
# Then search "_10005" to find the outbound listener
Verify stats
kubectl -n thrift-demo exec -it -c istio-proxy `kubectl -n thrift-demo get po | grep client | awk '{print $1}'` -- curl | grep thrift
make clean