- Default Traits
- Additional Traits
- Binding Traits
- Events Producers
- Events Consumers
- Events Transformers
- Convenience Functions
- Conversion Utilities
The included Type Traits contain (partial) specialisations for the following types.
Specialised for | Remarks |
null_t |
bool |
signed integers | |
unsigned integers | |
double , float |
empty_binary_t |
empty_array_t |
empty_object_t |
std::string |
tao::string_view |
const char* |
const std::string& |
std::vector< tao::byte > |
tao::binary_view |
const std::vector< tao::byte >& |
std::vector< basic_value< Traits, Base > > |
Corresponds to JSON Array. |
basic_value< Traits, Base >* |
Creates Value Pointer; must not be nullptr . |
const basic_value< Traits, Base >* |
Creates Value Pointer; must not be nullptr . |
std::map< std::string, basic_value< Traits, Base > > |
Corresponds to JSON Object. |
tao::optional< T > |
Empty optional corresponds to JSON Null. |
The following additional specialisations are part of various additional traits classes.
These classes are defined in various headers in tao/json/contrib
It is also possible to include tao/json/contrib/traits.hpp
which adds appropriate specialisations to the default traits tao::json::traits<>
Implementation for | Header |
std::array< T, N > |
tao/json/contrib/array_traits.hpp |
std::deque< T > |
tao/json/contrib/deque_traits.hpp |
std::list< T > |
tao/json/contrib/list_traits.hpp |
std::map< std::string, T > |
tao/json/contrib/map_traits.hpp |
std::pair< U, V > |
tao/json/contrib/pair_traits.hpp |
std::set< T > |
tao/json/contrib/set_traits.hpp |
std::shared_ptr< T > |
tao/json/contrib/shared_ptr_traits.hpp |
std::tuple< Ts... > |
tao/json/contrib/tuple_traits.hpp |
std::unique_ptr< T > |
tao/json/contrib/unique_ptr_traits.hpp |
std::unordered_map< std::string, T > |
tao/json/contrib/unordered_map_traits.hpp |
std::unordered_set< T > |
tao/json/contrib/unordered_set_traits.hpp |
std::vector< T > |
tao/json/contrib/vector_traits.hpp |
Events Producers are functions that take some input from which they generate Events function calls on a provided Consumer.
The common namespace prefix tao::json::
is omitted.
Producer | Description |
events::from_stream |
Reads JSON from a std::istream . |
events::from_string |
Reads JSON from a std::string . |
events::from_value |
Generates Events for a basic_value<> . |
events::from_file |
Reads JSON from the file. |
jaxn::events::from_stream |
Reads JAXN from a std::istream . |
jaxn::events::from_string |
Reads JAXN from a std::string . |
jaxn::events::from_file |
Reads JAXN from the file. |
cbor::events::from_string |
Reads CBOR from a std::string . |
cbor::events::from_file |
Reads CBOR from the file. |
msgpack::events::from_string |
Reads MSGPACK from a std::string . |
msgpack::events::from_file |
Reads MSGPACK from the file. |
ubjson::events::from_string |
Reads UBJSON from a std::string . |
ubjson::events::from_file |
Reads UBJSON from the file. |
Events Consumers are structs or classes that implement (a complete subset of) the Events Interface. Consumers are usually instantiated and then passed to an Events Producer function as argument.
The common namespace prefix tao::json::
is omitted.
Consumer | Description |
events::debug |
Writes all Events to a std::ostream in human-readable form. |
events::discard |
Does nothing with the Events it receives. |
events::hash |
Calculates a SHA-256 hash for the received Events. |
events::statistics |
Counts Events, and string and binary lengths. |
events::to_pretty_stream |
Writes nicely formatted JSON to a std::ostream . |
events::to_stream |
Writes compact JSON to a std::ostream . |
events::to_string |
Writes compact JSON to a std::string . |
events::to_value |
Builds a Value with the received Events. |
events::validate_event_order |
Checks whether the order of received Events is consistent. |
jaxn::events::to_pretty_stream |
Writes nicely formatted JAXN to a std::ostream . |
jaxn::events::to_stream |
Writes compact JAXN to a std::ostream . |
jaxn::events::to_string |
Writes compact JAXN to a std::string . |
cbor::events::to_stream |
Writes CBOR to a std::ostream . |
cbor::events::to_string |
Writes CBOR to a std::string . |
msgpack::events::to_stream |
Writes MSGPACK to a std::ostream . |
msgpack::events::to_string |
Writes MSGPACK to a std::string . |
ubjson::events::to_stream |
Writes UBJSON to a std::ostream . |
ubjson::events::to_string |
Writes UBJSON to a std::string . |
Transformers are structs or classes that are both Event Consumers that implement the Events Interface functions, and Event Producers that call the Events Interface functions on one or more other Events Consumers.
The common namespace prefix tao::json::
is omitted.
Transformer | Description |
events::binary_to_base64 |
Passes through all Events except for binary data which is converted to base64-encoded strings. |
events::binary_to_base64url |
Passes through all Events except for binary data which is converted to URL-safe base64-encoded strings. |
events::binary_to_exception |
Passes through all Events except for binary data which provokes an exception. |
events::binary_to_hex |
Passes through all Events except for binary data which is is converted to hex-dumped strings. |
events::key_camel_case_to_snake_case |
Passes through all Events except for keys in Objects which are converted from "CamelCaseStyle" to "snake_case_style". |
events::key_snake_case_to_camel_case |
Passes through all Events except for keys in Objects which are converted from "snake_case_style" to "CamelCaseStyle". |
events::limit_nesting_depth |
Passes through all Events but throws an exception when the nesting of Arrays and Objects exceeds a limit. |
events::limit_value_count |
Passes through all Events but throws an exception when the total number of (sub)-value exceeds a limit. |
events::events::non_finite_to_exception |
Passes through all Events except for numbers of type double which contain non-finite values which provoke an exception. |
events::non_finite_to_null |
Passes through all Events except for numbers of type double which contain non-finite values which are passed on as null() . |
events::non_finite_to_string |
Passes through all Events except for numbers of type double which contain non-finite values which are passed on as appropriate string() . |
events::prefer_signed |
Passes through all Events except for numbers of type std::uint64_t which fit into a std::int64_t and are passed on as such. |
events::prefer_unsigned |
Passes through all Events except for numbers of type std::int64_t which fit into a std::uint64_t and are passed on as such. |
events::ref |
Passes all Events to another Consumer or Transformer to which it holds a C++ reference. |
events::tee |
Passes all Events to an arbitrary number of other Consumers or Transformers which it holds in a std::tuple<> . |
events::validate_keys |
Passes through all Events except for keys which are first validated against a provided PEGTL grammar rule. |
events::virtual_ref |
Like ref , but implements the virtual Event functions from virtual_base . |
Functions that combine the similarly named Events Producer from above with an Events Consumer to return a corresponding Value.
The common namespace prefix tao::json::
is omitted.
Function | Description |
from_stream |
Reads JSON from a std::istream . |
from_string |
Reads JSON from a std::string . |
from_file |
Reads JSON from the file. |
jaxn::from_stream |
Reads JAXN from a std::istream . |
jaxn::from_string |
Reads JAXN from a std::string . |
jaxn::from_file |
Reads JAXN from the file. |
cbor::from_string |
Reads CBOR from a std::string . |
cbor::from_file |
Reads CBOR from the file. |
msgpack::from_string |
Reads MSGPACK from a std::string . |
msgpack::from_file |
Reads MSGPACK from the file. |
ubjson::from_string |
Reads UBJSON from a std::string . |
ubjson::from_file |
Reads UBJSON from the file. |
Functions that combine the similarly named Events Consumers with a Producer that generates Events from a Value.
The common namespace prefix tao::json::
is omitted.
Function | Description |
to_stream |
Writes compact or nicely formatted JSON to a std::ostream . |
to_string |
Writes compact or nicely formatted JSON to a std::string . |
jaxn::to_stream |
Writes compact or nicely formatted JAXN to a std::ostream . |
jaxn::to_string |
Writes compact or nicely formatted JAXN to a std::string . |
jaxn::to_stream |
Writes CBOR to a std::ostream . |
jaxn::to_string |
Writes CBOR to a std::string . |
msgpack::to_stream |
Writes MSGPACK to a std::ostream . |
msgpack::to_string |
Writes MSGPACK to a std::string . |
ubjson::to_stream |
Writes UBJSON to a std::ostream . |
ubjson::to_string |
Writes UBJSON to a std::string . |
These functions optionally apply an arbitrary list of Transformers given as additional template parameters.
The following conversion utilities are included in the src/examples/json
Note that they convert between formats on-the-fly, i.e. without creating any intermediate in-memory representation.
Copyright (c) 2018-2023 Dr. Colin Hirsch and Daniel Frey