A Facebook clone for weeks 8 and 9 Engineering Project from Makers Academy Bootcamp using Ruby on Rails for the 1st time.
We were a team of 6 junior developers and the sole team who had a fully functioning application in production which we were able to demo live on demo day (https://warm-cliffs-29833.herokuapp.com/)
All requirements (see user stories) were built.
Following an agile process we had:
- daily stand ups
- daily work merged to main
- pair programming
- knowledge sharing daily
- shared goals and vision for the project and the team
- retros
- Trello board, for our backlog and daily work
- planning and refinement sessions
As a user
I want to be able to securely sign up
So that I can start using AceBook
As a user
I want to be able to securely sign in
So that I can access my details and use the application
As a user
I want to securely sign out
So that I can exit the application
As a user
I want to be able to create a text post
So that I can share content on AceBook
As a user
I want to be able to create a post with images
So that I can create more engaging content
As a user
I want to be able to add a comment to a post
So that I can interact with the post author and other users
As a user
I want to be able to like a post
So that I can show my appreciation for the content
As a user
I want to be able to like a comment
So that I can engage with the content
As a user
I want to able to edit my details
So that I can keep my account details up to date
As a user
I want to add photo albums to my profile
So that I can share more image content
As a user
I want to see a small photo next to my username
So that it appears on posts and comments and other interactions within the application
As a user
I want to be able to easily navigate within the application features
So that I can have a more fluid experience
First, clone this repository. Then:
> bundle install
> bin/rails db:create
> bin/rails db:migrate
> bin/rails server # Start the server at localhost:3000
Rails requires a Javascript runtime to work. The easiest way is to install Node by running brew install node