- Internet Explorer 7+
- Firefox 3.6+
- Chrome
- Safari 5+
Documentation: http://tatsh.github.com/sHistory/symbols/sHistory.html
Include like normal. The original code is also 100% compatible with Closure Compiler.
// Bind your event listeners first
// This callback takes no arguments
sHistory.addEventListener(function () {
// Get the page number, returns string
// Get the page number, returns a number (int and integer do the same)
sHistory.getState('page_number', 'number');
// Get this value from the hash, returns boolean
sHistory.getState('is_full_screen', 'boolean');
// Get this value from the hash, returns a floating point number
sHistory.getState('amount_of_money', 'float');
// This value is not in the hash, so null is returned
// This value is reserved for use with the fallback in IE7 and always returns null
// Push a state, adding to the current state
sHistory.pushState('my_state', 1);
// Push a boolean value
sHistory.pushState('is_ok', true);
// To retrieve this back as a boolean (and not as a string 'true'):
sHistory.getState('is_ok', 'bool');
// Push a state and remove all other states
sHistory.pushState('page', 'begin', false);
// Push a set of states, merging with the current state
sHistory.pushStates({'page': 'begin', 'is_ok': true});
// Push a set of states, removing all other states
sHistory.pushStates({'page': 'begin', 'is_ok': true}, false);
// Remove all states (hash changes to #)
// Start the history (required)