autoBisect will help you to find out when a changeset introduced problems. It can also point at a changeset that may have exposed the issue.
It helps with work allocation:
- The engineer that most recently worked on the code is the one most likely to know how to fix the bug.
- If not, the engineer may be able to forward to someone more knowledgeable.
For SpiderMonkey, use the following while compiling locally:
funfuzz/autobisect-js/ -p "--fuzzing-safe --no-threads --ion-eager testcase.js" -b "--enable-debug --enable-more-deterministic --enable-nspr-build"
assuming the testcase requires "--fuzzing-safe --no-threads --ion-eager" as runtime flags.
This will take about:
- 45 - 60 minutes on a relatively recent powerful computer on Linux / Mac
- assuming each compilation takes about 3 minutes
- we should be able to find the problem within 16+ tests.
- 2 hours on Windows
- where each compilation is assumed to take 6 minutes.
If you have an internet connection, and the testcase causes problems with:
- a downloaded js shell
- these problems started happening within the last month
you can try bisecting using downloaded builds:
funfuzz/autobisect-js/ -p "--fuzzing-safe --no-threads --ion-eager testcase.js" -b "--enable-debug" -T
This should take < 5 minutes total assuming a fast internet connection, since it does not need to compile shells.
Refer to documentation for parameters to be passed into "-b".
Usage: [options]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Specify js shell build options, e.g. -b "--enable-
debug --32" (python --help)
Specify browser build options, e.g. -b "-c mozconfig"
--resetToTipFirst First reset to default tip overwriting all local
changes. Equivalent to first executing `hg update -C
default`. Defaults to "False".
Earliest changeset/build numeric ID to consider
(usually a "good" cset). Defaults to the earliest
revision known to work at all/available.
Latest changeset/build numeric ID to consider (usually
a "bad" cset). Defaults to the head of the main
branch, "default", or latest available build.
-k, --skipInitialRevs
Skip testing the -s and -e revisions and automatically
trust them as -g and -b.
-o OUTPUT, --output=OUTPUT
Stdout or stderr output to be observed. Defaults to
"". For assertions, set to "ssertion fail"
Look out for a specific exit code. Only this exit code
will be considered "bad".
-i, --useInterestingnessTests
Interpret the final arguments as an interestingness
Specify parameters for the js shell, e.g. -p "-a
--ion-eager testcase.js".
Specify how to treat revisions that fail to compile.
(bad, good, or skip) Defaults to "skip"
-T, --useTreeherderBinaries
Use treeherder binaries for quick bisection, assuming
a fast internet connection. Defaults to "False"
Name of the branch to download. Defaults to "mozilla-