Hydra.js is a module manager oriented system.
Hydra.js has been moved to HydraJS organization in (https://github.com/HydraJS/HydraJS)
Hydra.js is the library that will help you to scale your app. Hydra.js is a framework that gives you the tools to write your application using modules or widgets and make easy to work with them.
Hydra.js uses a decoupled architecture that:
- Allows you to change your base framework without change the modules or widget code.
- Allow the modules communicate with each other without knowing which modules are loaded.
- Can be easily extended with new features.
- No known module to other modules
- If something is wrong in one module, the other modules will continue working.
- Notifying an action will be called on all the modules that will be listening this action.
- A module can be extended
- If you have a module that is working well you can extend it to change his behavior without losing is original behavior.
- Allows multi-instance modules
- Allows set private variables to be used inside of modules.
- Can be used in url threaded application as in an Ajax threaded application.
- You can test your modules with any Unit Testing Framework.
- Only 3.51KB when Gzipped.
Install with Bower
bower install hydrajs
Install with Component
component install hydrajs
Install with NPM
npm install hydra.js
Insert in your html code:
<script type="text/javascript" src="/path/to/your/js/libs/Hydra.js"></script>Hydra.module.setVars({
gaq: _gaq,
list: document.getElementById( "list" )
Setting the variables in this way will make the variables accessible as the last argument in the init module method. If needed you can also access these variables using getVars (See 'Getting variables')
*Tip. This method not only sets variables, if the object has been set before the new variables will be merged with the previous object. *
var oVars = Hydra.module.getVars();
Returns the object with the private variables set using setVars (See 'Setting variables')
The module creator function gets four arguments:
- Bus
- Get access to Hydra.bus, the action manager to publish or subscribe to events
- Module
- Get access to Hydra.module, the module manager to register, extend, decorate, start and stop modules.
- ErrorHandler
- Get access to the Hydra.errorHandler, it's recommended to use it instead of using console.log because of the possible improvements see Hydra.js extensions or Hermes.js
- Api
- Get access to the rest of the Hydra api. You can use it to access to the current extensions, i.e. jQuery, or to your own extensions.
function( Bus, Module, ErrorHandler, Api )
return {
init: function ( oData ) {}
Hydra.module.register( 'moduleId', function( Bus, Module, ErrorHandler, Api )
return {
init: function ( oData ) {}
Hydra.module.register( 'moduleId', ['$api', '$bus'], function ( Api, Bus )
return {
init: function ( oData ) {}
The following are available for dependency injection:
- $bus
- $module
- $log (error handler)
- $api
- $global (window object)
- $doc (document object)
To use dependency injection, pass an array of strings containing any of the variables listed above as the second parameter when registering a module. Hydra will pass them in the order specified to your function.
To extend a module you will need to register the base module before extends it.
Hydra.module.extend( 'moduleId', function( Bus, Module, ErrorHandler, Api )
return {
init: function ( oData ) {}
To extend a module you will need to register the base module before extends it.
Hydra.module.extend( 'moduleId', 'newModuleId', function( Bus, Module, ErrorHandler, Api )
return {
init: function ( oData ) {}
This extension allows access the parent methods as classical inheritance.
Register base module:
Hydra.module.register( 'moduleId', function( Bus, Module, ErrorHandler, Api )
return {
init: function ( oData ) {},
changeTitle: function( sTitle ){
document.title = sTitle;
Create the new module using "extend":
Hydra.module.extend( 'moduleId', 'newModuleId', function( Bus, Module, ErrorHandler, Api )
return {
init: function ( oData ) {},
changeTitle: function( sTitle ){
sTitle += " " + new Date().getTime();
// This is the way of access parent methods.
this.__super__.call( "changeTitle", [sTitle] );
Sometimes is better to decorate our modules instead of extending them. I recommend to use decorate instead of extend modules.
Hydra.module.decorate( 'baseModuleId', 'decoratedModuleId', function( Bus, baseModule, Module, ErrorHandler, Api )
return {
init: function ()
//do something on start a module
onDestroy: function ()
//do something on stop a module
Hydra.module.register( 'moduleId', function( Bus, Module, ErrorHandler, Api )
return {
events : {
'channel': {
'item:action1': function ( oData ) {}
init: function ( oData ) {
/* The subscribing of events is done by Hydra inside the core.
* Bus.subscribe( this );
To use the action manager you have accessible using "Bus".
The publish method expect three arguments, but only the first two are mandatory, the channel name and the event name
Hydra.bus.publish( 'channel_name', 'event_name', data );
*Tip: 'global' channel is created by default to use it if you want to communicate with other modules that are not related with a specific channel. *
Hydra.module.register( 'moduleId', function( Bus, Module, ErrorHandler, Api )
return {
events : {
'channel': {
'item:action1': function ( oData ) {}
init: function ( oData ) {
$( "#button" ).click( function(){
Bus.publish( 'channel', 'item:action1', {} );
If you need compatibility with the previous event manager called Action, you can add it in your code to maintain compatibility with previous version's code. You can download it from: Action
Hydra.js is licensed under the MIT license.
Hydra was inspired by Nicholas Zakas presentation.