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\title{Energy barrier}
\author{Tom de Geus}
\hypersetup{pdfauthor={T.W.J. de Geus}}




The protocol is as follows.
    \item An element is selected for triggering
    (in the example below chosen in the center of the system).
    Its location is denoted by $\vec{r}'$.

    \item A perturbation around a stress- and strain-free configuration is considered.
    To this end, the selected element (only) is subjected to an eigen stress
    The corresponding equilibrium configuration then constitutes to
    the perturbation that will be used.
    It is characterised by the stress field $\delta \vec{u} (\vec{r})$, and corresponding
    stress $\delta \bm{\sigma} (\vec{r})$
    and strain $\delta \bm{\varepsilon} (\vec{r})$ fields.

    \item Two types of perturbations are considered:
        \item Simple shear:
        $\bm{\sigma}' = \bm{\sigma}'_s = \vec{e}_x \vec{e}_y + \vec{e}_x \vec{e}_y$.
        Gives: $\delta \vec{u}_s (\vec{r})$, $\delta \bm{\sigma}_s (\vec{r})$, and
        $\delta \bm{\varepsilon}_s (\vec{r})$.

        \item Pure shear:
        $\bm{\sigma}' = \bm{\sigma}'_p = \vec{e}_x \vec{e}_x - \vec{e}_y \vec{e}_y$.
        Gives: $\delta \vec{u}_p (\vec{r})$, $\delta \bm{\sigma}_p (\vec{r})$, and
        $\delta \bm{\varepsilon}_p (\vec{r})$.

    For the triggered element the strain (and) stress are empirically
    of the following structure:
        \item Simple shear perturbation:
        $\delta \bm{\varepsilon}_s (\vec{r}') = \delta \gamma (\vec{e}_x \vec{e}_y + \vec{e}_x \vec{e}_y)$
        \item Pure shear perturbation:
        $\delta \bm{\varepsilon}_p (\vec{r}') = \delta \mathcal{E} (\vec{e}_x \vec{e}_x - \vec{e}_y \vec{e}_y)$

    \item A perturbation $\Delta \vec{u}(\vec{r}) = s \delta \vec{u}_s (\vec{r}) + p \delta \vec{u}_p (\vec{r})$
    is then applied such that the yield surface is reached in the triggered element in such
    a way that the change in potential energy introduced by the perturbation is minimal.


            Simple shear:
            $\delta \vec{u}_s (\vec{r})$
            Pure shear:
            $\delta \vec{u}_p (\vec{r})$
            Simple shear:
            $- \delta \vec{u}_s (\vec{r})$
            Pure shear:
            $- \delta \vec{u}_p (\vec{r})$
        Perturbation modes.
        The shown colour is the energy change resulting from the perturbation.

        Change of internal energy, $\Delta E$, for a perturbation:
        $\Delta \vec{u}(\vec{r}) = s \delta \vec{u}_s (\vec{r}) + p \delta \vec{u}_p (\vec{r})$.
        A contour plot is also shown.

            Equivalent stress.
            Equivalent strain.
        \subref{fig:phase-diagram:sig} equivalent stress and
        \subref{fig:phase-diagram:eps} equivalent strain
        for a perturbation:
        $\Delta \vec{u}(\vec{r}) = s \delta \vec{u}_s (\vec{r}) + p \delta \vec{u}_p (\vec{r})$.


\section*{Exploring the yield surface}

\paragraph{Yield surface}

Initially the strain deviator in the triggered element reads
    \bm{\varepsilon}_\mathrm{d}(\vec{r}') =
        \mathcal{E} & \gamma \\
        \gamma & - \mathcal{E}
After triggering the strain deviator is
    \bm{\varepsilon}_\mathrm{d}^*(\vec{r}') =
        \mathcal{E} + p \delta \mathcal{E} & \gamma + s \delta \gamma \\
        \gamma + s \delta \gamma & - \mathcal{E} - p \delta \mathcal{E}
To reach the yield surface one thus needs to solve
    (\mathcal{E} + p \delta \mathcal{E})^2 +
    (\gamma + s \delta \gamma)^2 =
for $(s, p)$ (with $\varepsilon_y$ the relevant yield strain).

\paragraph{Change of energy}

The energy in the system reads
    E = \frac{1}{2} \int_\Omega
        \bm{\sigma}(\vec{r}) : \bm{\varepsilon}(\vec{r})
    \; \mathrm{d} \Omega
After triggering:
    E^* = \frac{1}{2} \int_\Omega
        (\bm{\sigma}(\vec{r}) + \Delta \bm{\sigma}(\vec{r})) :
        (\bm{\varepsilon}(\vec{r}) + \Delta \bm{\varepsilon}(\vec{r}))
    \; \mathrm{d} \Omega
$\Delta \bm{\sigma}(\vec{r}) = s \delta \bm{\sigma}_s(\vec{r}) + p \delta \bm{\sigma}_p(\vec{r})$
$\Delta \bm{\varepsilon}(\vec{r}) = s \delta \bm{\varepsilon}_s(\vec{r}) + p \delta \bm{\varepsilon}_p(\vec{r})$.
It is straightforward to show that the change of energy
    \Delta E = E^* - E =
        \big(\bm{\sigma}(\vec{r}) + \tfrac{1}{2} \Delta \bm{\sigma}(\vec{r}) \big) :
        \Delta \bm{\varepsilon}(\vec{r})
    \; \mathrm{d} \Omega
whereby in practice integration is performed numerically, e.g.\
    \Delta E = E^* - E =
        \delta \Omega_q \;
        \big(\bm{\sigma}_q + \tfrac{1}{2} \Delta \bm{\sigma}_q \big) :
        \Delta \bm{\varepsilon}_q



Two examples are included:
A homogeneous medium that is subjected to shear in \cref{fig:example:shear}, and
the same problem additionally subjected to a vertical perturbation
of the top and bottom boundaries \cref{fig:example:prestress}.

        \subcaption{Initial configuration.}
        \subcaption{After perturbation.}
        \subcaption{$\Delta E$}
        \subcaption{$\Delta E$}
        (a--b) Starting and perturbed configuration for a homogeneous sheared system.
        (c--e) Phase diagram of a perturbation
        $\Delta \vec{u}(\vec{r}) = s \delta \vec{u}_s (\vec{r}) + p \delta \vec{u}_p (\vec{r})$
        of the configuration in (a).
        The perturbation is applied based on $(s, p)$ that lie on the yield surface and
        that minimise the increase in potential
        energy, as shown using a red dot.

        \subcaption{Initial configuration.}
        \subcaption{After perturbation.}
        \subcaption{$\Delta E$}
        \subcaption{$\Delta E$}
        (a--b) Starting and perturbed configuration for a homogeneous sheared system.
        (c--e) Phase diagram of a perturbation
        $\Delta \vec{u}(\vec{r}) = s \delta \vec{u}_s (\vec{r}) + p \delta \vec{u}_p (\vec{r})$
        of the configuration in (a).
        The perturbation is applied based on $(s, p)$ that lie on the yield surface and
        that minimise the increase in potential
        energy, as shown using a red dot.
