Emily - Backend building servers and databases. Godlike CSS Skills.
Josh - Talking through algorithms, good understanding of concepts. Awesome support, teamplayer, hype-train
Christina - Top tier organization and communication skills, detail oriented and debugging skills
Emily - Backend building servers and databases Josh - Support teammates. create things Christina - Catch errors and debug problems
Emily - Craft competency Josh - Looking to grow in software knowledge Christina - Craft competency
Knowing that every person in your team needs to understand all aspects of the project, how do you plan to approach the day-to-day work?
Team meeting, decide tasks, execute. Communicate with eachother when it comes to dividing tasks and pushing up changes to gitHub
Open communication and being curtious, if someone begins to feel frustrated they can call for a 5 minute break and we can come back ready to solve any issues. If problems escalate, call Sara to mediate.
What will your team do if one person is taking over the project and not letting the other members contribute?
Voice if you feel you're not contributing enough. We can take a couple of minutes every hour before a break to debrief and make sure everyone is feeling good about the workflow.
How will you approach each other and the challenges of the project knowing that it is impossible for all members to be at the exact same place in understanding and skill level?
Help eachother understand, call a TA or Sara if it is not working out explaining.
How will you raise concerns to members who are not adequately contributing? How and when will you escalate the conflict if your resolution attempts are unsuccessful?
- We can take a couple of minutes every hour before a break to assess where we're at and if there are portions of the project that need attention we can voice that the person who is contributing the least take over those parts of the project. If the issues continue to where it is hindering the progess of the project, then let Sara know.
Daytime hours - No Sundays
Slack, text
10 minutes every hour, 5 minutes when needed if we are getting frustrated.
Work harder, plan better and allot time outside of class to catch up. Re-assess time management
Text, slack
At each 10 minute break, take a couple of minutes to assess where we're at, debrief, everyone gets a chance to say anything they feel they need to say.
How will you ensure that you are creating a safe environment where everyone feels comfortable speaking up?
Check in with eachother, make sure everyone is feeling heard.
outline the project, dig deeper into the components of the project, list tasks and pick/choose. keep proper git-flow.
Trello (figma for a visual)
All components
made an organization on github and we are all admins
good communication - ACP often and verbally communicate when we are doing it, pull before working.
we will have main branch protection, but anyone can complete pull requests.
individuals push to their branches
We'll have portions of the project split between three people, when each person is done with their portion they will push and once everyone's portions are pushed up we will merge to test and then to main
sound the alarms