0.5.0 July 13, 2019
- Brk: Methods now use the typecast supported in php 7.1
0.4.2 December 19, 2018
- Require flowpath on dev
- Enh: Extrafields, form and section
- Enh: Use Cases to use Yii2 Formgenerator
- Brk: Upgraded requirement to Yii2 ROA 0.4.1
- Brk: ROA resources now extend from
- Enh: ROA Models implement
- Enh: Live Demo
- Enh: #12 Add tests
- Bug: Class yii\helpers\Url where is used
- Bug: Error typo migration form_section
- Bug: Change column label for table form_section_field
- Bug: Adding data in fixtures for table data_type
- Bug: Adding data in fixtures for table field
- Bug: Adding data in fixtures for table form_section_field
- Initial release.