An ad hoc query service based on SparkSQL has the following characteristics:
- Elegant interaction mode, support multiple data sources, multi-data source hybrid computing
- Spark Permanent Service, Automatic Engine Discovery Based on Zookeeper
- Load balancing, random execution of multiple engines
- Implementation of Parallel Query in Multi-session Mode
- Use spark FAIR scheduling to avoid resources being monopolized by large tasks
- Spark-based dynamic resource allocation, does not occupy executor resources without tasks
- Support for Cluster and Client mode startup
- SQL dynamic add stream task based on Structured Streaming
- Similar to Spark Shell interactive data analysis
- Efficient script management, complete the association of each script with import/include syntax
- Permission verification for data source operations
Supported data sources:hdfs、hive、hbase、kafka、mysql、es、solr、mongo
Supported file formats:parquet、csv、orc、json、text、xml
Added support for Hbase, MySQL, and ES in addition to the Sink supported by Structured Streaming
load syntax and save syntax
load and save syntax to load and save data, just write the configuration information
after the where condition, such as loading mysql data into a temporary table:
load jdbc.'tableName'
where driver="***"
and url="***"
as tb_mysql;
Here tb_mysql can be used at any where, such as:select * from tb_mysql; save tb_mysql as json.'path'。
Save the data to HBase:
save tb_mysql as hbase.'tbname'
where `hbase.zookeeper.quorum`="localhost:2181"
select syntax
The select syntax is no different from normal sql, you can directly as a temporary table.
such as:select * from tb_mysql limit 10 as tb_temp;
Here tb_temp can be used at any time, and if there is no as ** at the end, the result will be
displayed directly on the web.
explain syntax
You can directly explain a select query, or you can directly explain an intermediate temporary table
such as tb_temp above;
import syntax
Can import the entire sql script
register syntax
Can register udf, register watermark, etc.
Other grammar support:create、drop、insert、refresh、set、show
load hbase.t_mbl_user_version_info
where `spark.table.schema`="userid:String,osversion:String,toolversion:String"
and `hbase.table.schema`=":rowkey,info:osversion,info:toolversion"
and `hbase.zookeeper.quorum`="localhost:2181"
as tb;
parameter | description | defaults |
hbase.zookeeper.quorum | zookeeper address | localhost:2181 |
spark.table.schema | spark tempview mapping schema(eg: "ID:String,appname:String,age:Int") | |
hbase.table.schema | HBase table mapping schema(eg: ":rowkey,info:appname,info:age") | | | The name of the spark tempview corresponding to the rowkey. After the value is set, only the data corresponding to the rowkey is obtained. |
The HBase data corresponding to the specified rowkey set can be obtained. The is the tempview corresponding to the rowkey set. By default, the first column is the rowkey column.
save tb1 as hbase.tableName
where `hbase.zookeeper.quorum`="localhost:2181"
and `hbase.table.rowkey.filed`="name"
parameter | description | defaults |
hbase.zookeeper.quorum | zookeeper address | localhost:2181 |
hbase.table.rowkey.field | The field name of the rowkey of the hbase table in the spark tempview | first field |
bulkload.enable | whether to enable bulkload | false | | HBase table name | | | column family name | info |
hbase.table.region.splits | Pre-partition mode 1:specify each subsection of the pre-partition as a string array,eg: ['1','2','3'] | |
hbase.table.rowkey.prefix | Pre-partition mode 2:when rowkey is a number, just specify the prefix form, such as 00, you can generate 100 partitions such as 00-99 | |
hbase.table.startKey | startkey | |
hbase.table.endKey | endkey | |
hbase.table.numReg | number of pre-partitions | |
hbase.check_table | when writing to the hbase table, do you need to check if the table exists | false | | ttl |
- load data
load jdbc.ai_log_count
where driver="com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"
and url="jdbc:mysql://localhost/db?characterEncoding=utf8"
and user="root"
and password="***"
as tb;
- save data
save append tb as jdbc.aatest_delete;
- load data
load format.`path` as tb;
- save data
save tb as formate.`path` partitionBy uid coalesce 2;
- batch job
load kafka.`topicName`
where maxRatePerPartition="200"
and ``="consumerGroupId"
as tb;
select * from tb;
parameter | description | defaults |
autoCommitOffset | whether to submit offset | false |
- stream job
load kafka.`mc-monitor`
where startingoffsets="latest"
and failOnDataLoss="false"
and `spark.job.mode`="stream"
as tb1;
register watermark.tb1
where eventTimeCol="timestamp"
and delayThreshold="10 seconds"
select window.end as time_end,
count(1) as count
from tb1 a
group by window(a.timestamp,"10 seconds","10 seconds")
as tb2;
save tb2 as json.`/tmp/abc6`
where outputMode="Append"
and streamName="Stream"
and duration="10"
and sendDingDingOnTerminated="true"
and `mail.receiver`=""
and checkpointLocation="/tmp/cp/cp16";
parameter | description | defaults |
spark.job.mode | job mode(batch or stream) | batch |
mail.receiver | job failure email notification (multiple mailboxes separated by commas) | |
sendDingDingOnTerminated | Dingding robot notification | false |
Stream job failure will automatically restart, can be configured by streamJobMaxAttempts (default 3 times)
- method one:
register udf.`myupper`
where func="
def apply(name:String)={
load jsonStr.'
' as tb1;
select myupper(name) as newName from tb1;
- method two:
create temporary function myupper as '' using jar 'hdfs://dsj01:8020/tmp/udf-test-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar';