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Larger Results via Sidecar Logs

TEP-0127: Larger Results via Sidecar Logs

This TEP builds on the hard work of many people who have been tackling the problem over the past couple years, including but not limited to:

  • '@abayer'
  • '@afrittoli'
  • '@bobcatfish'
  • '@dibyom'
  • '@imjasonh'
  • '@pritidesai'
  • '@ScrapCodes'
  • '@skaegi'
  • '@tlawrie'
  • '@tomcli'
  • '@vdemeester'
  • '@wlynch'


Today, Results have a size limit of 4KB per Step and 12KB per TaskRun in the best case - see issue.

The goal of TEP-0086 is to support larger Results beyond the current size limits. TEP-0086 has many alternatives but no proposal. This TEP proposes experimenting with one of the alternatives - Sidecar logs. This allows us to support larger Results which are stored within TaskRun CRDs.


Results are too small - see issue. The current implementation of Results involves parsing from disk and storing as part of the Termination Message which has a limit of 4KB per Container and 12KB per Pod. As such, the size limit of Results is 12KB per TaskRun and 4KB per Step at best.

To make matters worse, the limit is divided equally among all Containers in a Pod - see issue. The more the Steps in a Task, the less the size limit for Results. For example, if there are 12 Steps then each has 1KB in Termination Message storage to produce Results.

TEP-0086 aims to support larger Results. It has many alternatives but no proposal because there's no obvious "best" solution that would meet all the requirements.

This TEP proposes experimenting with Sidecar logs to support larger Results that are stored within TaskRun CRDs. This allows us to provide an immediate solution to the urgent needs of users, while not blocking pursuit of the other alternatives.

In addition, the documented guidance is that Results are used for outputs less than 1KB while Workspaces are used for larger data. Supporting larger Results up to the CRD limit allows users to reuse Tasks in more scenarios without having to change the specification to use Workspaces upon hitting the current low size limit of 4KB per TaskRun.

As a general rule-of-thumb, if a Result needs to be larger than a kilobyte, you should likely use a Workspace to store and pass it between Tasks within a Pipeline.


The main goal of this TEP is to support larger Results via Sidecar logs. The Results are stored in the TaskRun, therefore they are limited by the size limit of a TaskRun CRD - 1.5MB.


The following are out of scope for this TEP:

  1. Solving use cases that requires really large Results beyond the size limit of a CRD - 1.5MB.

  2. Addressing other alternatives for larger Results that are listed in TEP-0086. However, this approach should co-exist with the other alternatives when they are implemented as experiments as well.

Use Cases

  1. Support signing Results using SPIRE for non-falsifiable provenance that's required for SLSA L3. As described in TEP-0089, the signatures and certificates used to verify Results are stored alongside the Results in the Termination Message. This exacerbates the size limit issues for Results. The size of the certificate is 800 bytes and the size of signatures is approximately 100 bytes per Result.

    For now, signatures of the Results will be contained within the Termination Message of the Pod, alongside any additional material required to perform verification. One consideration of this is the size of the additional fields required. The size of the certificate needed for verification is about 800 bytes, and the size of the signatures is about 100 bytes * (number of Results + 1). The current Termination Message size is 4K, but there is TEP-0086 looking at supporting larger results.

  2. Support emitting structured Results. For example, store the images produced by ko and all their copies to the various regional registries in a TaskRun. The release Pipeline has this use case, and it ran into the current size limit of 4096 bytes. As described in the issue, the images produced were 4572 bytes which didn't fit into Results. For further details about structured Results, see TEP-0075 and TEP-0076.


To support larger Results, we propose using stdout logs from a dedicated Sidecar to return a json Result object. The Pipeline controller would wait for the Sidecar to exit and then read the logs based on a particular query and append Results to the TaskRun.

The dedicated Sidecar will be injected alongside other Steps. The Sidecar will watch the Results paths of the Steps. This Sidecar will output the name of the Result and its contents to stdout in a parsable pattern. The TaskRun controller will access the stdout logs of the Sidecar then extract the Results and its contents.

After the Steps have terminated, the TaskRun controller will write the Results from the logs of the Sidecar instead of using the Termination Message, hence bypassing the 4KB limit. This approach keeps the rest of the existing functionality the same and does not require any external storage mechanism.

For further details, see the demonstration.

This proposal provides an opportunity to experiment with this solution to provide Results within the CRDs as we continue to explore other alternatives, including those that involve external storage.

Feature Gate

This feature will be gated using a results-from feature flag. This feature flag defaults to "termination-message" for backwards compatibility - Results will continue to pass through Termination Message.

Users can set the results-from feature flag to "sidecar-logs" to enable the larger Results through Sidecar logs:

kubectl patch cm feature-flags -n tekton-pipelines -p '{"data":{"results-from":"sidecar-logs"}}'

Other alternatives can use the results-from feature flag to introduce other approaches. For now, the field will only accept "termination-message" or "sidecar-logs".

Logs Access

This feature requires that the Pipeline controller has access to Pod logs.

Users have to grant get access to all pods/log to the Pipeline controller:

kubectl apply -f config/enable-log-access-to-controller/

Size Limit

The size limit per Result can be configured using the max-result-size feature flag, which takes the integer value of the bytes.

The max-result-size feature flag defaults to 4096 bytes. This ensures that we support existing Tasks with only one Result that uses up the whole size limit of the Termination Message.

If users want to set the size limit per Result to be something other than 4096 bytes, they can set max-result-size by setting max-result-size: <VALUE-IN-BYTES>. The value set here cannot exceed the CRD size limit of 1.5MB; if it does, the controller logs an error and uses the default value.

kubectl patch cm feature-flags -n tekton-pipelines -p '{"data":{"max-result-size":"<VALUE-IN-BYTES>"}}'

Even though the size limit per Result is configurable, the size of Results is limited by CRD size limit of 1.5MB. If the size of Results exceeds this limit, then the TaskRun will fail with a message indicating the size limit has been exceeded.

PipelineRun Status

In TEP-0100, we proposed changes to PipelineRun status to reduce the amount of information stored about the status of TaskRuns and Runs. Now, the PipelineRun status is set up to handle larger Results in TaskRuns without storage issues.

For ChildReferences to be populated, the embedded-status must be set to "minimal". We recommend that the minimal embedded status - ChildReferences - is enabled while migration is ongoing until it becomes the only supported status. This will ensure that larger Results from its TaskRuns will not bloat the PipelineRun CRD.

Design Details

The Sidecar will run a binary that:

  • receives argument for Results' paths and names which are identified from taskSpec.results field - this allows the Sidecar to know the Results it needs to read.
  • has /tekton/run volume mounted as read-only where status of each Step is written.
  • periodically checks for Step status in the path /tekton/run.
  • when all Steps have completed, it immediately parses all the Results in paths and prints them to stdout in a parsable pattern.

For further details, see the demonstration.

Design Evaluation


This proposal does not introduce any API changes to specification Results. The changes are in implementation details of Results. The existing Tasks will continue to function as they are, only that they can support larger Results.

Even more, supporting larger Results upto the CRD limit allows users to reuse Tasks in more scenarios without having to change the specification to use Workspaces upon hitting the current low size limit of 4KB per TaskRun. This allows users to control execution, as needed by their context, without having to modify Tasks and Pipelines.


Users may write Tasks that assume larger Results support. These Tasks would only work on Tekton Pipelines installations that are configured to support it. This is a risk to Task interoperability which is mitigated by:

  1. Hard limit on the size of Results which is the CRD size limit - 1.5MB.
  2. Plan to support larger Results in the long run regardless of the implementation details.


This proposal provides a simple solution that solves most use cases:

  • Users don't need additional infrastructure, such as server or object storage, to support larger Results.
  • Existing Tasks will continue to function as they do now, while supporting larger Results, without any API changes.


Performance benchmarking with 20-30 PipelineRuns, each with 3 TaskRuns each with two Steps:

  • Average Pipeline controller's CPU difference during PipelineRun execution: 1%
  • Average Pipeline controller's Memory usage difference during PipelineRun execution: 0.2%
  • Average Pod startup time (time to get to running state) difference: 3s per TaskRun

In the experiment, we will continue to measure the startup overhead and explore ways to improve it.

For further details, see the performance metrics.


This approach requires that the Pipeline controller has access to Pod logs. The Pipeline controller already has extensive permissions in the cluster, such as read access to Secrets. Expanding the access even further is a concern for some users, but is also acceptable for some users given the advantages. We will document the extended permissions so that users can make the right choice for their own use cases and requirements.

There will be a validation check to ensure that users cannot inject their own Sidecar overtop of the one specified by Tekton.

Experiment Questions

These are some questions we plan to answer in the experiment:

  • What impact does this change have on the startup and execution time of TaskRuns and PipelineRuns? Can we improve the performance impact?

  • How reliable is using Sidecar logs to process Results?

  • How many users adopt this solution? How many are satisfied with it given the advantages and disadvantages? We will conduct a user survey soon after the feature has been released.
