Forbid usage of true literal inside object expressions of clsx (clsx/forbid-true-inside-object-expressions
🔧 This rule is automatically fixable by the --fix
CLI option.
This rule aims to forbid usage of true literals inside object expressions of clsx
Examples of incorrect code for this rule:
/* eslint clsx/forbid-true-inside-object-expressions: error */
const trueClasses = clsx({ 'true-class-1': true, 'true-class-2': true });
Examples of correct code for this rule:
/* eslint clsx/forbid-true-inside-object-expressions: error */
const trueClasses = clsx('true-class-1', 'true-class-2');
const dynamicClasses = clsx({ 'dynamic-condition-class': condition });
Examples of incorrect code for the allowMixed
/* eslint clsx/forbid-true-inside-object-expressions: ['error', 'allowMixed'] */
const trueClasses = clsx({ 'true-class-1': true, 'true-class-2': true });
Examples of correct code for the allowMixed
/* eslint clsx/forbid-true-inside-object-expressions: ['error', 'allowMixed'] */
const trueClasses = clsx('true-class-1', 'true-class-2');
const trueClasses2 = clsx({ 'dynamic-condition-class': condition, 'true-class-2': true });
Examples of incorrect code for the always
/* eslint clsx/forbid-true-inside-object-expressions: ['error', 'always'] */
const trueClasses = clsx({ 'true-class-1': true, 'true-class-2': true });
const trueClasses2 = clsx({ 'dynamic-condition-class': condition, 'true-class-2': true });
Examples of correct code for the always
/* eslint clsx/forbid-true-inside-object-expressions: ['error', 'always'] */
const trueClasses = clsx('true-class-1', 'true-class-2');
const trueClasses2 = clsx('true-class-2', { 'dynamic-condition-class': condition });
If you don't want to forbid usage of true literals inside object expressions of clsx