The Spark Operator uses CustomResourceDefinitions
named SparkApplication
and ScheduledSparkApplication
for specifying one-time Spark applications and Spark applications
that are supposed to run on a standard cron schedule. Similarly to other kinds of
Kubernetes resources, they consist of a specification in a Spec
field and a Status
field. The definitions are organized
in the following structure. The v1alpha1 version of the API definition is implemented
|__ ScheduledSparkApplicationSpec
|__ SparkApplication
|__ ScheduledSparkApplicationStatus
|__ SparkApplication
|__ SparkApplicationSpec
|__ DriverSpec
|__ SparkPodSpec
|__ ExecutorSpec
|__ SparkPodSpec
|__ Dependencies
|__ SparkApplicationStatus
|__ DriverInfo
A SparkApplicationSpec
has the following top-level fields:
Field | Spark configuration property or spark-submit option |
Note |
Type |
N/A | The type of the Spark application. Valid values are Java , Scala , Python , and R . |
Mode |
--mode |
Spark deployment mode. Valid values are cluster and client . |
Image |
spark.kubernetes.container.image |
Unified container image for the driver, executor, and init-container. |
InitContainerImage |
spark.kubernetes.initContainer.image |
Custom init-container image. |
ImagePullPolicy |
spark.kubernetes.container.image.pullPolicy |
Container image pull policy. |
ImagePullSecrets |
spark.kubernetes.container.image.pullSecrets |
Container image pull secrets. |
MainClass |
--class |
Main application class to run. |
MainApplicationFile |
N/A | Main application file, e.g., a bundled jar containing the main class and its dependencies. |
Arguments |
N/A | List of application arguments. |
SparkConf |
N/A | A map of extra Spark configuration properties. |
HadoopConf |
N/A | A map of Hadoop configuration properties. The operator will add the prefix spark.hadoop. to the properties when adding it through the --conf option. |
SparkConfigMap |
N/A | Name of a Kubernetes ConfigMap carrying Spark configuration files, e.g., . The controller sets the environment variable SPARK_CONF_DIR to where the ConfigMap is mounted. |
HadoopConfigMap |
N/A | Name of a Kubernetes ConfigMap carrying Hadoop configuration files, e.g., core-site.xml . The controller sets the environment variable HADOOP_CONF_DIR to where the ConfigMap is mounted. |
Volumes |
N/A | List of Kubernetes volumes the driver and executors need collectively. |
Driver |
N/A | A DriverSpec field. |
Executor |
N/A | An ExecutorSpec field. |
Deps |
N/A | A Dependencies field. |
RestartPolicy |
N/A | The policy regarding if and in which conditions the controller should restart a terminated application. Valid values are Never , Always , and OnFailure . |
NodeSelector |
spark.kubernetes.node.selector.[labelKey] |
Node selector of the driver pod and executor pods, with key labelKey and value as the label's value. |
MaxSubmissionRetries |
N/A | The maximum number of times to retry a failed submission. |
SubmissionRetryInterval |
N/A | The unit of intervals in seconds between submission retries. Depending on the implementation, the actual interval between two submission retries may be a multiple of SubmissionRetryInterval , e.g., if linear or exponential backoff is used. |
A DriverSpec
embeds a SparkPodSpec
and additionally has the following fields:
Field | Spark configuration property or spark-submit option |
Note |
PodName | |
Name of the driver pod. |
ServiceAccount |
spark.kubernetes.authenticate.driver.serviceAccountName |
Name of the Kubernetes service account to use for the driver pod. |
Similarly to the DriverSpec
, an ExecutorSpec
also embeds a a SparkPodSpec
and additionally has the following fields:
Field | Spark configuration property or spark-submit option |
Note |
Instances |
spark.executor.instances |
Number of executor instances to request for. |
CoreRequest |
spark.kubernetes.executor.request.cores |
Physical CPU request for the executors. |
A SparkPodSpec
defines common attributes of a driver or executor pod, summarized in the following table.
Field | Spark configuration property or spark-submit option |
Note |
Cores |
spark.driver.cores or spark.executor.cores |
Number of CPU cores for the driver or executor pod. |
CoreLimit |
spark.kubernetes.driver.limit.cores or spark.kubernetes.executor.limit.cores |
Hard limit on the number of CPU cores for the driver or executor pod. |
Memory |
spark.driver.memory or spark.executor.memory |
Amount of memory to request for the driver or executor pod. |
Image |
spark.kubernetes.driver.container.image or spark.kubernetes.executor.container.image |
Custom container image for the driver or executor. |
ConfigMaps |
N/A | A map of Kubernetes ConfigMaps to mount into the driver or executor pod. Keys are ConfigMap names and values are mount paths. |
Secrets |
spark.kubernetes.driver.secrets.[SecretName] or spark.kubernetes.executor.secrets.[SecretName] |
A map of Kubernetes secrets to mount into the driver or executor pod. Keys are secret names and values specify the mount paths and secret types. |
EnvVars |
spark.kubernetes.driverEnv.[EnvironmentVariableName] or spark.executorEnv.[EnvironmentVariableName] |
A map of environment variables to add to the driver or executor pod. Keys are variable names and values are variable values. |
EnvSecretKeyRefs |
spark.kubernetes.driver.secretKeyRef.[EnvironmentVariableName] or spark.kubernetes.executor.secretKeyRef.[EnvironmentVariableName] |
A map of environment variables to SecretKeyRefs. Keys are variable names and values are pairs of a secret name and a secret key. |
Labels |
spark.kubernetes.driver.label.[LabelName] or spark.kubernetes.executor.label.[LabelName] |
A map of Kubernetes labels to add to the driver or executor pod. Keys are label names and values are label values. |
Annotations |
spark.kubernetes.driver.annotation.[AnnotationName] or spark.kubernetes.executor.annotation.[AnnotationName] |
A map of Kubernetes annotations to add to the driver or executor pod. Keys are annotation names and values are annotation values. |
VolumeMounts |
N/A | List of Kubernetes volume mounts for volumes that should be mounted to the pod. |
A Dependencies
specifies the various types of dependencies of a Spark application in a central place.
Field | Spark configuration property or spark-submit option |
Note |
Jars |
spark.jars or --jars |
List of jars the application depends on. |
Files |
spark.files or --files |
List of files the application depends on. |
A SparkApplicationStatus
captures the status of a Spark application including the state of every executors.
Field | Note |
AppID |
A randomly generated ID used to group all Kubernetes resources of an application. |
SubmissionTime |
Time the application is submitted to run. |
CompletionTime |
Time the application completes (if it does). |
DriverInfo |
A DriverInfo field. |
AppState |
Current state of the application. |
ExecutorState |
A map of executor pod names to executor state. |
SubmissionRetries |
The number of submission retries for an application. |
A DriverInfo
captures information about the driver pod and the Spark web UI running in the driver.
Field | Note |
WebUIServiceName |
Name of the service for the Spark web UI. |
WebUIPort |
Port on which the Spark web UI runs. |
WebUIAddress |
Address to access the web UI from outside the cluster. |
PodName |
Name of the driver pod. |
A ScheduledSparkApplicationSpec
has the following top-level fields:
Field | Optional | Default | Note |
Schedule |
No | N/A | The cron schedule on which the application should run. |
Template |
No | N/A | A template from which SparkApplication instances of scheduled runs of the application can be created. |
Suspend |
Yes | false |
A flag telling the controller to suspend subsequent runs of the application if set to true . |
ConcurrencyPolicy |
Allow |
Yes | the policy governing concurrent runs of the application. Valid values are Allow , Forbid , and Replace |
SuccessfulRunHistoryLimit |
Yes | 1 | The number of past successful runs of the application to keep track of. |
FailedRunHistoryLimit |
Yes | 1 | The number of past failed runs of the application to keep track of. |
A ScheduledSparkApplicationStatus
captures the status of a Spark application including the state of every executors.
Field | Note |
LastRun |
The time when the last run of the application started. |
NextRun |
The time when the next run of the application is estimated to start. |
PastSuccessfulRunNames |
The names of SparkApplication objects of past successful runs of the application. The maximum number of names to keep track of is controlled by SuccessfulRunHistoryLimit . |
PastFailedRunNames |
The names of SparkApplication objects of past failed runs of the application. The maximum number of names to keep track of is controlled by FailedRunHistoryLimit . |
ScheduleState |
The current scheduling state of the application. Valid values are FailedValidation and Scheduled . |
Reason |
Human readable message on why the ScheduledSparkApplication is in the particular ScheduleState . |