Update the version number in setup.py and commit it.
Build the Docker image that we use for building the pip package:
zsh pip_package/runner.sh
Then from within the image's environment, build the wheels:
# Inside the docker environment.
# The above `runner.sh` should drop you into a shell within the image, but
# if it doesn't you can use a
# docker run --rm -it $IMAGE_NAME bash
# type command to get there.
If everything goes well, this will produce a set of wheels in /tmp/lingvo/dist.
cd /tmp/lingvo/dist
To upload to the test pypi server:
# Needed to install these packages manually because of the following error:
# ImportError: cannot import name 'appengine' from 'urllib3.contrib'
pip3.10 install urllib3==1.26.15 requests-toolbelt==0.10.1
python3.10 -m twine upload --repository-url https://test.pypi.org/legacy/ *manylinux2014*.whl
To verify that it works as intended:
python3.10 -m pip install -i https://test.pypi.org/simple/ --no-deps lingvo
You can test that the install worked for the common case by running a model locally like:
mkdir -p /tmp/lingvo_test/image/params
cp -r /tmp/lingvo/lingvo/tasks/image/params/mnist.py /tmp/lingvo_test/image/params
cd /tmp/lingvo_test
python3 -m lingvo.trainer --model=image.mnist.LeNet5 --run_locally=cpu --logdir=/tmp/lenet5 --mode=sync
This should try to start training, but will fail if you haven't downloaded the mnist dataset (see lingvo's base README.md).
If this works successfully, you can then upload to the production server as follows.
cd /tmp/lingvo/dist
python3 -m twine upload *manylinux2014*.whl
And verify with:
python3 -m pip install lingvo
Remember to update the list of releases in the main README.