Bug fixes.
Bug fixes.
Add support for gitignore files. A few bug fixes.
Add VueJS support.
Add TSX support.
Bug fix: Replace re.NOFLAG with 0 to make it compatible with Python 3.10+
Bug fix: Fortran support for ELSEIF
Bug fix: Java generic like List<? extends String> JSX file extension
Add Fortran to the language supported
Bug fixing. typedef
being read properly.
Bug fixing. .mm
file was not recognized as object-c(++) file.
Bug fixing in function parameter names. Previously if the parameter has default value, it will take the value as the parameter name.
Bug fixing in Lua and Scala support
Fix missing file when install
Fix HTML Output template problem.
Support JavaScript with ES6 and JSX. Support Rust
Bug fixes:
'for' keyword in Swift label should not be counted as ccn.
'guard' keyword should be counted.
'-o' or '--output_file' parameter added.
Fix the performance issue
Add Lua to the languages.
Fix a bug in MSVS format output.
Minor fix for the average NCSS (lines of code) in the XML output. Previously, the average NCSS per function included code outside any function. Now this is fixed.
An important new feature -- duplicate detector -- in the form of an extension.
lizard -Eduplicate
The current version hasn't had any performance optimization yet. Yet, it can scan 1000 cpp files in less than 2 minutes.
Code after comments containing "GENERATED CODE" will be ignored.
Class<?>[] testClasses = {String.class};
The ? wouldn't be counted as CC.
A minor fix for the --version option
Support CSV & HTML format output
No new feature. Just switch to new pypi server.
- Option to ignore any warnings with '-i -1' (negative argument for the count).
- 2016.04.2 Support PHP.
- 2016.03.26 Support C#.
- 2016.02.2 Add option -EMcCabe for ignoring fall-through switch/cases, thanks to @@vicgonzalez
- 2016.01.31 Add support for Ruby
- 2016.01.29 Add -T option to set limit for any field
- 2015.12.17 Add support for Swift
- 2015.12.12 Add the -l option to filter language
- 2015.10.22 TTCN-3 added by @gustafj
- 2015.10.06 Add C++11 uniform constructor initialization. Thanks to @rakhimov
- 2015.01.09 Add C preprocessor back by -Ecpre. it will ignore all the #else branch in the C/C++ code.
- 2015.01.07 pass test for linux kernal and other popular open source C/C++ code.
- 2014.04.07 Remove option -e (display function end line), and make it default
- 2014.04.06 Remove option -d (ignore duplicated content), and make it default
- 2014.04.06 Remove option -p (no preprocessor count), and a '#if' will always be counted in cyclomatic complexity
- 2014.03.31 Support JavaScript!
- 2014.03.22 Change the -v (--verbose) option to -V. This is because -v will be used for --version.