A collection of tools for use with Tessel. Community-created or built by Technical Machine. Please feel free to add to this list. See the style guide for formatting.
# USB message passing
USB communication between Tessel and Node on your PC.
# Getting started with BLE
A guide to Bluetooth Low Energy for beginners, particularly flavored for Tessel.
# External GPIO Pin Interrupts API
External interrupts are used for getting updated from other sensors or the environment that something has changed. It allows the processesor to work on other tasks until the state of a pin is altered at which point hardware processes take over and handle the interrupt.
# SPI Locks and Raw Transfers
Tutorial on SPI communication.
# Expose a C function up to JS userspace
This tutorial goes over how to expose a C function to JS where the user can interact with it via any JS function.
# Debugging Tessel
You can debug Tessel by soldering JTAG headers to the board and using a JTAG debugger. This tutorial asummes you are using a Bus Blaster and an associated JTAG 20 -> 10 pin adapter.
# Powering Tessel
Powering Tessel through an external power source
# Adding a Wifi Antenna
How to add a Wifi antenna to Tessel to improve Wifi reception
# Connecting Arduino and Tessel
This is a tutorial for how to pass data back and forth between an Arduino and a Tessel.
# tiny-router
A simple routing library targeting embedded system where every byte counts
# tesselate
A dependency injector for tessel modules, abstracting away the need to nest multiple ‘ready’ listeners and callbacks within each other, or use promises or generators (or multiple, internal loaded flags)
# avr-isp
Library to allow Tessel to act as an AVR In-System Programmer
# grunt-tessel
Grunt tasks to aid tessel development
# mockfs
Virtual in-memory file system accessible through native FS module
# tesselbot
A chainable tessel rebot made for building simple apps easier
# lua-tessel
A CLI that enables the scripting of a Tessel device in Lua
# Rust on Tessel
Examples of the Rust language running on Tessel
# cylon-tessel
Cylon.js is a JavaScript framework for robotics and physical computing using Node.js
# Plotly example
Tessel + Plotly streaming example
# m2x-tessel
AT&T M2X API client for node.js based Tessel
Beyond the modules, libraries and examples for connecting with Tessel.
# pir
Node/Tessel library for a PIR motion detector
# pulse sensor
Node/Tessel library for a pulse sensor
# tessel-ht16k33
Use the Adafruit HT16K33 LED Backpack with your Tessel
# tessel-button
API to provide more feedback / options to the single tessel 'config' button
# neopixels
Library to run a strand of neopixels from Tessel
# ir-codes
Generates signal buffers for different infrared device manufacturers
# Technical Machine contribution guide
A thorough explanation of how the Tessel software architecture works as a whole, descriptions of the individual pieces, and the processes for contributing code
# Technical Machine style guide
Defines style for Technical Machine code, docs, and directories, particularly Tessel modules
# Contributing category on the Tessel forums
Technical Machine & community members request comments on APIs and projects