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😲 Heads up — Playwright introduced native Testing Library queries in version 1.27.

💬 #558 ← We're discussing what this means for Playwright Testing Library in this issue. You can find a more detailed comparison of the new Playwright API and this library here. Please ask any questions you may have or share thoughts and suggestions!


🔍 Find elements in playwright like your users with queries from @testing-library/dom

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🎛 Features

All of your favorite user-centric querying functions from @testing-library/react and @testing-library/dom available from within Playwright!

  • Test fixture for @playwright/test via @playwright-testing-library/test
    • NewLocator queries fixture (locatorFixtures)
    • ElementHandle queries fixture (fixtures)
  • Standalone queries for playwright via playwright-testing-library
    • ElementHandle queries (getDocument + queries)
    • Asynchronous waitFor assertion helper (via wait-for-expect)

🌱 Installation

# For use with Playwright Test (@playwright/test)
npm install --save-dev @playwright-testing-library/test

# For use with Playwright (playwright)
npm install --save-dev playwright-testing-library

📝 Usage

There are currently a few different ways to use Playwright Testing Library, depending on how you use Playwright. However, the recommended approach is to use the Locator queries fixture with Playwright Test (@playwright/test).

⚠️ The ElementHandle query APIs were created before Playwright introduced its Locator API and will be replaced in the next major version of Playwright Testing Library. If you can't use @playwright/test at the moment, you'll need to use the ElementHandle query API, but a migration path will be provided when we switch to the new Locator APIs.

Playwright Test Fixture

🔖 Added in 4.4.0

Using the Locator Playwright Test (@playwright/test) fixture with @playwright-testing-library/test.


import {test as base} from '@playwright/test'
import {
  locatorFixtures as fixtures,
  LocatorFixtures as TestingLibraryFixtures,
} from '@playwright-testing-library/test/fixture'

const test = base.extend<TestingLibraryFixtures>(fixtures)

const {expect} = test

test('my form', async ({screen, within}) => {
  // Screen provides `Locator` queries scoped to current Playwright `Page`
  const formLocator = screen.getByTestId('my-form')

  // Scope queries to `Locator` with `within`
  // (note that this is a fixture from `test`, not the `within` import)
  const emailInputLocator = within(formLocator).getByLabelText('Email')

  // Interact via `Locator` API 🥳
  await emailInputLocator.fill('')

  // Screen also provides Playwright's `Page` API

  const emailLocator = screen.getByRole('heading', {level: 2})

  // Assert via `Locator` APIs 🎉
  await expect(emailLocator).toHaveText('')

Async Methods

The findBy queries work the same way as they do in Testing Library core in that they return Promise<Locator> and are intended to be used to defer test execution until an element appears on the page.

test('my modal', async ({screen, within}) => {
  // Here we wait for a modal to appear asynchronously before continuing
  // Note: the timeout for `findBy` queries is configured with `asyncUtilTimeout`
  const modalLocator = await screen.findByRole('dialog')

  // Once the modal is visible, we can interact with its contents and assert
  await expect(modalLocator).toHaveText(/My Modal/)
  await within(modalLocator).getByRole('button', {name: 'Okay'}).click()

  // We can also use `queryBy` methods to take advantage of Playwright's `Locator` auto-waiting
  // See:
  // Note: this will use Playwright's timeout, not `asyncUtilTimeout`
  await expect(screen.queryByRole('dialog')).toBeHidden()


🔖 Added in 4.5.0

As an alternative to the within(locator: Locator) function you're familiar with from Testing Library, Playwright Testing Library also supports chaining queries together.

All synchronous queries (get* + query*) return Locator instances augmented with a .within() method (TestingLibraryLocator). All asynchronous queries (find*) return a special LocatorPromise that also supports .within(). This makes it possible to chain queries, including chaining get*, query* and find* interchangeably.

⚠️ Note that including any find* query in the chain will make the entire chain asynchronous

test('chaining synchronous queries', async ({screen}) => {
  const locator = screen.getByRole('figure').within().findByRole('img')

  expect(await locator.getAttribute('alt')).toEqual('Some image')
Synchronous + Asynchronous
test('chaining synchronous queries + asynchronous queries', ({screen}) => {
  //              ↓↓↓↓↓ including any `find*` queries makes the whole chain asynchronous
  const locator = await screen
    .getByTestId('modal-container') // Get "modal container" or throw (sync)
    .findByRole('dialog') // Wait for modal to appear (async, until `asyncUtilTimeout`)
    .getByRole('button', {name: 'Close'}) // Get close button within modal (sync)

  expect(await locator.textContent()).toEqual('Close')


The Locator query API is configured using Playwright's use API. See Playwright's documentation for global, project, and test.


Configuring Testing Library globally in playwright.config.ts

import type {PlaywrightTestConfig} from '@playwright/test'

const config: PlaywrightTestConfig = {
  use: {
    // These are the defaults
    testIdAttribute: 'data-testid',
    asyncUtilTimeout: 1000,
    asyncUtilExpectedState: 'visible',

export default config

Scoping Testing Library configuration to test suites or describe blocks

import {test as base} from '@playwright/test'
import {
  locatorFixtures as fixtures,
  LocatorFixtures as TestingLibraryFixtures,
} from '@playwright-testing-library/test/fixture'

const test = base.extend<TestingLibraryFixtures>(fixtures)

const {describe, expect, use} = test

// Entire test suite
use({testIdAttribute: 'data-custom-test-id'})

describe(() => {
  // Specific block
    testIdAttribute: 'some-other-test-id',
    asyncUtilsTimeout: 5000,
    asyncUtilExpectedState: 'attached',

  test('my form', async ({screen}) => {
    // ...

Legacy Playwright Test Fixture

Using the ElementHandle Playwright Test (@playwright/test) fixture with @playwright-testing-library/test.

⚠️ See note in Usage as you should be using the Locator fixture if possible


import {test as base} from '@playwright/test'
import {fixtures, within, TestingLibraryFixtures} from '@playwright-testing-library/test/fixture'

const test = base.extend<TestingLibraryFixtures>(fixtures)

const {expect} = test

test('my form', async ({page, queries}) => {
  // Query methods are available in `test` blocks
  const formHandle = await queries.getByTestId('my-form')

  // Scope queries to an `ElementHandle` with `within`
  const emailInputHandle = await within(formHandle).getByLabelText('Email')

  // Interact via `ElementHandle` API
  await emailInputHandle.fill('')


  const emailHandle = queries.getByRole('heading', {level: 2})

  // Assert via `ElementHandle` APIs
  expect(await emailHandle.textContent()).toEqual('')


import {test as base} from '@playwright/test'
import {
} from '@playwright-testing-library/test/fixture'

const test = base.extend<TestingLibraryFixtures>(fixtures)

const {beforeEach, describe, expect} = test

// Global (these are the defaults)
configure({asyncUtilTimeout: 1000, testIdAttribute: 'data-testid'})

// Specific block
describe('my page', () => {
  beforeEach(() => configure({asyncUtilTimeout: 5000, testIdAttribute: 'data-custom-test-id'}))

  afterEach(() => configure({}))

  test('my form', async ({page, queries}) => {
    // ...

Standalone Playwright Queries

Using the ElementHandle queries with Playwright (playwright) and playwright-testing-library.

⚠️ See note in Usage as you should be using @playwright/test with the Locator fixture if possible. The Locator queries will be made available for standalone playwright in the next major release.

import {beforeAll, expect, jest, test} from '@jest/globals'
import {webkit} from 'playwright' // or 'firefox' or 'chromium'
import {getDocument, queries, within} from 'playwright-testing-library'

let browser: playwright.Browser
let page: playwright.Page

beforeAll(() => {
  const browser = await webkit.launch()
  const page = await browser.newPage()

test('my form', () => {
  // Get `ElementHandle` for document from `Page`
  const documentHandle = await getDocument(page)

  // Global query methods take document handle as the first parameter
  const formHandle = await queries.getByTestId(documentHandle, 'my-form')

  // Scope queries to an `ElementHandle` with `within`
  const emailInputHandle = await within(formHandle).getByLabelText('Email')

  // Interact via `ElementHandle` API
  await emailInputHandle.fill('')


  const accountHandle = getDocument(page)
  const emailHandle = queries.getByRole(accountHandle, 'heading', {level: 2})

  // Assert via `ElementHandle` APIs
  expect(await emailHandle.textContent()).toEqual('')


import {beforeEach, afterEach, expect, jest, test} from '@jest/globals'
import {configure, getDocument, queries, within} from 'playwright-testing-library'

// Global (these are the defaults)
configure({asyncUtilTimeout: 1000, testIdAttribute: 'data-testid'})

// Specific block
describe('my page', () => {
  beforeEach(() => configure({asyncUtilTimeout: 5000, testIdAttribute: 'data-custom-test-id'}))

  afterEach(() => configure({}))

  test('my form', async ({page, queries}) => {
    // ...


Testing Library

All queries from @testing-library/dom are supported.

📝 The find* queries for the Locator queries return Promise<Locator> which resolves when the element is found before the timeout specified via asyncUtilTimeout


Unique methods, not part of @testing-library/dom

⚠️ These only apply to the ElementHandle queries

  • Get an ElementHandle for the document

    getDocument(page: playwright.Page): ElementHandle
  • Wait for an assertion (wrapper around wait-for-expect)

      expectation: () => void | Promise<void>,
      timeout?: number,
      interval?: number
    ): Promise<{}>

Known Limitations

  • Only testIdAttribute and asyncUtilTimeout are supported as configuration options
  • Async utilities waitForElement, waitForElementToBeRemoved and waitForDomChange are not exposed. Consider using a find* query or a Playwright built-in like Locator.waitFor().
  • The fireEvent method is not exposed, use Playwright's built-ins instead.
  • Assertion extensions from jest-dom are not compatible, use Playwright Test if possible.

Locator Queries

  • The getNodeText() function is currently unsupported.

  • When using a function for TextMatch, the function cannot reference its closure scope

    // ✅ This is supported
    screen.getByText(content => content.startsWith('Foo'))
    // ❌ This is not supported
    const startsWithFoo = (content: string) => content.startsWith('Foo')
    screen.getByText(content => startsWithFoo(content))

Special Thanks

Related Playwright Test Utilities




This project is actively maintained by engineers at @hoverinc 😀.