OneFuzz can create or update Github Issues upon creation of crash reports in OneFuzz managed containers.
Nearly every field can be customized using scriban templates. There are multiple python objects provided via the template engine that can be used such that any arbitrary component can be used to flesh out the configuration:
- task (See TaskConfig)
- report (See Report)
- job (See JobConfig)
Using these objects allows dynamic configuration. As an example, the repository
could be specified directly, or dynamically pulled from the task configuration:
"repository": "{{ task.tags['repository'] }}"
There are additional values that can be used in any template:
- report_url: This will link to an authenticated download link for the report
- input_url: This will link to an authenticated download link for crashing input
- target_url: This will link to an authenticated download link for the target executable
- repro_cmd: This will give an example command to initiate a live reproduction of a crash
- report_container: This will give the name of the report storage container
- report_filename: This will give the container relative path to the report
"config": {
"auth": {
"organization": "contoso",
"repository": "sample-project",
"title": "{{ report.executable }} - {{report.crash_site}}",
"body": "## Files\n\n* input: [{{ }}]({{ input_url }})\n* exe: [{{ report.executable }}]( {{ target_url }})\n* report: [{{ report_filename }}]({{ report_url }})\n\n## Repro\n\n `{{ repro_cmd }}`\n\n## Call Stack\n\n```{{ for item in report.call_stack }}{{ item }}\n{{ end }}```\n\n## ASAN Log\n\n```{{ report.asan_log }}```",
"unique_search": {
"field_match": ["title"],
"string": "{{ report.executable }}"
"assignees": [],
"labels": ["bug", "{{ report.crash_type }}"],
"on_duplicate": {
"comment": "Duplicate found.\n\n* input: [{{ }}]({{ input_url }})\n* exe: [{{ report.executable }}]( {{ target_url }})\n* report: [{{ report_filename }}]({{ report_url }})",
"labels": ["{{ report.crash_type }}"],
"reopen": true
For full documentation on the syntax, see GithubIssueTemplate)
Create a Personal access token.
Update your config to specify your user and personal access token.
Add a notification to your OneFuzz instance.
onefuzz notifications create <CONTAINER> @./config.json
Until the integration is deleted, when a crash report is written to the indicated container, issues will be created and updated based on the reports.
The OneFuzz SDK provides an example tool, which can be used to generate a synthetic crash report to verify the integration is functional.