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1.3.0 (2024-10-15)

  • Gameplay:
    • New power up: SCATTER SPRAY
  • Bug fixes:
    • Player could STILL get stuck hunting for exit. Fixed. Properly this time!
    • FISH FRENZY activated when wave ends would trap the player in the wave forever.
    • CHEAT DEATH activated when wave ends would trap the player in the wave forever.
    • Haptic feedback now works on MacOS (Fixed in Godot 4.3)
  • Platform:
    • Godot upgrade to 4.3.stable.
    • Steam: GodotSteam GDExtension upgraded to 4.11-gde (Stated as supporting Godot 4.3)
    • Web: Support reinstated following Godot 4.3 fixing threads / MacOS browser issues.
  • Misc:
    • [INTERNAL] Code refactoring with GDScript Toolkit.
    • [INTERNAL] godot-git-plugin upgraded to v3.1.1.

Thanks to chopsteak for their bug reporting via Steam Community!

1.2.0 (2024-03-16)

  • Gameplay:
    • Player can now SPEED SURGE (left trigger / SPACE) to help avoid enemies.
    • Upgrades:
      • Player now has a choice of 3 between waves (was: 2)
      • NEW: HEAL ME - Restore all health ahead of the next wave.
      • NEW: SPEED SURGE - Improves SPEED SURGE recharge time.
    • Balance:
      • Knight health lowered to 3 (was: 4)
      • Trap health lowered to 4 (was: 10)
      • CHEAT DEATH now restores 75% of player health on activation (was: 50%)
      • Special waves can only start after Wave 3 (was: 2)
    • Chasing enemies now use proper navigation instead of hoping for the best. Beware!
  • Misc:
    • Graphics: 'DINNER TIME' particle effects added.
    • How To Play screen added.
    • Adjusted player movement at wave start to commence at the entrance door.
    • [INTERNAL] Added godot-git-plugin.
  • Platform:
      • Beat 1 / 5 / 10 waves in arcade mode.
      • Rescue 100 / 500 / 1000 fish.
      • [HIDDEN] Fail to clear the first wave.
  • Bug fixes:
    • Deadlock could occur on upgrade screen if there weren't enough eligible upgrades.
    • CHEAT DEATH could persist between games. Upgrades now more consistently reset.
    • Player could get stuck hunting for key or exit. Proper navigation implemented to avoid this.
    • Enemies would vanish too early when the wave ended during SHARK ATTACK.
    • Shark spray sound not synced properly with gameplay.
    • Countdown sound would keep playing when returning to main menu.
    • Game ending when in FISH FRENZY would result in player stuck at a weird angle.
    • Player, Mini Shark and Dinosaur projectiles not despawning on game ending.

1.1.0 (2024-03-03)

  • Gameplay:
    • Waves: These are now TIME based to keep the action fast, fresh and furious.
    • New power-up: A magical star that allows your shark to eat the now very scared enemies!
    • Artillery: Watch out for POLLUTION STRIKES from above!
    • Spawning: Avoid spawn types at beginning of wave that give player too much space.
    • AI: Chasing enemies re-orient more often.
    • Knockback: Some enemies are now knocked back when hit.
  • Performance:
    • FPS improved as follows...
      • Switched to the Forward+ renderer (Was: 'Compatibility').
      • Particles now switched to GPU.
      • Replace PointLight2D lighting effects on projectiles with Sprite2D equivalent.
  • Sound:
    • New music tracks for menu and gameplay. Enjoy!
    • Countdown effect towards end of wave.
    • Grenade volume lowered slightly.
  • Bug fixes:
    • Diet: At some point, Necromancers stopped wanting to eat fish. Fixed.
    • UI: Tightened up mouse showing / hiding as appropriate
  • Platform:
    • Steam: GodotSteam GDExtension upgraded to 4.6.
  • Misc:
    • Haptic feedback added! Vibrates on player hit + shark frenzy. Turn on in OPTIONS.
    • Improved alignment of death animations.
    • Fish now swim off to freedom once rescued.
    • Pause improvements:
      • ESC can be used to unpause.
      • Can now pause game during WAVE START, WAVE END and UPGRADE SCREEN.
    • Debug menu to keep an eye on performance (toggle modes with F3).
    • Removed some spurious debug print() statements.

1.0.0 (2024-02-21)

This is the first public release of Avenger Sharks on Steam.

  • Platform:
    • Steam: Bringing up Steam Overlay during game automatically pauses.
  • Misc:
    • UI: Disable TAB key (avoids Steam Overlay weird behaviour)
    • UI: Hide mouse pointer when mouse is not being used

0.5-alpha (2024-02-21)

  • Gameplay:
    • New enemy: Snake / Blob: A multi-segment denizen of the dungeons!
    • Random obstacles can appear within a wave.
    • TheDirector AI implemented for wave / spawn design (much refactoring)
    • Removed 'The fish become fearful!' Necromancer wave type -- added fresh ones!
  • Graphics:
    • Lighting and Shadow effects.
    • Red screen flash when player takes damage.
    • Added 'For Jack and Emilia' dedication page at start.
  • Platform:
    • Steam: Client is now formally Steam enabled, including Steam Overlay.
    • Steam: Revised store assets to new graphical design.
    • Steam: Hide direct links on CREDITS (Steam policy requirement)
    • Itch: Revised store assets to new graphical design.
    • Itch: Removed web project due to Godot 4 / Mac browser challenges.
  • Bug fixes:
    • Crash: Fixed a crash when there was a combo of targetting laser / trap / collision.
    • Pathing: If player gets stuck on key or exit hunt, teleport them to safety.
    • UI: MORE POWER upgrade would hide all the upgrade bars.
    • UI: Powerup floating text now stacks if player picks up several in a short space of time.
    • Music: Would get stuck at 'low health' speed if game abandoned in that state.
    • Credits: Reset scroll when exiting credits screen.
  • Misc:
    • Godot upgrade to 4.2.1.stable.
    • GodotSteam upgrade to GDExtension 4.2.
    • Exclude Store_Assets directory from main Godot project.
    • Exclamation mark from title purged.

0.4-alpha (2023-05-12)

In this release, the gameplay has been sped up to make it more frenetic, combined with the addition of skeletons and GRENADES! The HUD has been streamlined, and the player has a targeting laser when playing with a controller.

Away from the core game, we now also have an Options screen and Steam Cloud support.

  • Gameplay:
    • Increase player fire rate and re-balance FAST SPRAY
    • Enemies can no longer take damage while they are spawning.
    • Increase enemy spawn numbers.
    • % chance of multiple spawns happening at the same time (Will be different types)
    • Increase knight health to 4 (was: 1)
    • Increase necromancer health to 10 (was: 3)
    • Increase trap health to 10 (was: 5)
  • Enemies:
    • Added Skeletons (that split into 4 when vanquished!)
  • Power-ups:
    • Added GRENADE power-up (Boom!)
    • Power-ups no longer 'tick' unless the player is actively controlling the shark.
  • Controls:
    • Controller: Player now has a targetting laser!
    • Controller: 'B' button to back out of menus.
  • Graphics:
    • Power up bar moved to RHS. Non-activated power-ups are not shown.
  • Sound:
    • Master / Music / Volume audio buses implemented.
  • Misc
    • Options screen added. Persistent storage used.
      • Screen mode (Full screen, windowed)
      • Volume (Master, Music, Effects)
    • Credits screen re-jigged.
    • Pacifist Mode: Hide power-up bar.
    • Windowed Mode: Use 1920x1080 as a default (User can re-size)
  • Platform:
    • HTML5: Disable storage, Statistics and Exit Game.
    • Steam: Steam Cloud sync for Statistics (cross-platform)
  • Bug fixes
    • Player projectiles would not pass through spawning enemies.
    • Magnet: Make a bit stronger to avoid items chasing the player(!)
    • Controller START button mapped to too many menu items (and so not working).
    • Steam Deck: STATISTICS not consistently working when selected with controller.
    • Steam Deck: CREDITS not consistently working when selected with controller.

0.3-alpha (2023-05-03)

This release introduces the upgrade system, a new Pacifist game mode, more interesting wave / spawning mechanics and much more!

  • Upgrade system:
    • Upgrade between waves (choice of two).
      • Magnet item pull. Changed Items to be CharacterBody2D to support.
      • Armour: Reduces damage (10% per level)
      • Fish Affinity: Reduces number of fish to rescue to enable FISH FRENZY (10% per level)
      • Potion Power: Increases health potion efficiency (10% per level)
      • Dominant Dino: Increase dinosaur rampage time (20% per level)
      • More Power: Increase Power Up duration (20% per level)
      • Loot Lover: Increase item drop rate (10% per level)
      • Cheat death: Respawn upon death with 50% health.
  • New game mode: Pacifist
    • Player cannot shoot or Frenzy and has to collect the fish to clear waves.
    • No upgrades.
    • Enemies do not drop power-ups. Health Potions spawn randomly in the arena.
  • New enemy type: Bee! (bzzzzzz)
  • Wave / Spawning mechanics:
    • Introduce different enemy types as player progresses.
    • % chance of a special wave ('All bees', 'All Necromancers')
    • Spawning methods during a wave:
      • Random (Default for previous releases)
      • Circle around the player
      • Arena edge and move inwards (Top / Bottom / Left / Right)
    • Enemy AI can be deferred to support custom wave patterns
    • Enemies move FASTER if spawning from an edge to keep the tension up.
    • Final enemy spawn during a wave will appear near player (to save having to hunt)
    • Final enemies will move faster in the wave.
  • Gameplay and balance:
    • Score multiplier introduced. Multiplier lost when the player takes damage.
    • Chests more likely to be dropped than health potions.
    • Spawn traps less frequently.
    • Reduced dropped item % (was: 25%, now 15%)
    • Only 5 dropped items permitted on screen at a time (Avoids scaling abuse)
    • Reduced time between enemies spawning in and becoming dangerous to 1.5s (was: 2s)
    • Reduced Necromancer health and attack rate.
  • Graphics:
    • Particles!
      • Enemies spawning.
      • Enemies being defeated.
      • Player and Mr Dinosaur attacks.
    • Display obtained upgrades on HUD.
    • Pop-up points scored from enemies as they are defeated.
    • Speed up Necromancer death animation.
  • Misc: Persistent storage support.
  • Misc: Statistics (which use the persistent storage...) now tracked and viewable.
    • Games played
    • Shots fired
    • Enemies defeated
    • Fish rescued
    • Furthest wave reached
  • Misc: ESC key can now exit intro and credits.
  • Steam: Initial store assets and listing.
  • Bug fixes:
    • Stop game breaking if player dies at the same time as beating a wave.
    • Improve arena spawn co-ordinates range to prevent insta-collisions.
    • Fixed shonky calculations for enemy spawn numbers within a wave.

0.2-alpha (2023-04-16)

This is primarily a bug fix / 'quality of life' release.

  • Gameplay: Make player invulnerable during wave exit.
  • Gameplay: Improved necromancer hit box.
  • Controls: Support AZERTY keyboards.
  • Graphics: Make power-up labels a bit bigger.
  • Sound: Play tension music when low energy.
  • Sound: Remove slight gap at start of main game music.
  • Bug fix: Increase 'WAVE X' timer to avoid fish spawning before player in start position.
  • Bug fix: Fix 'flash hit' animation for necromancers on spawn.
  • Bug fix: Make 'Enemies Left' behaviour consistent between games.
  • Bug fix: Tidy up projectiles getting stuck around exit locations in transitions.

0.1-alpha (2023-04-06)

First release.