Handles CICCD pub sub messages to add build statuses to the dashboard database. These messages are usually sent by the forward-service. However, you can also manually publish these.
Pub sub messages sent to the ciccd-builds
topic must/may have the following attributes:
name | required | description |
branchName | x | |
commitSha | x | |
id | x | A unique identifier of the build, used to set status updates for the same build |
finishTime | Time in seconds since 1/1/1970 | |
githubRepoOwner | x | Owner of repo |
logUrl | ||
name | x | The name of the trigger/pipeline |
origin | x | The original CI/CD platform which triggerd the build event. Ex. 'google-cloud' or 'gocd' |
repo | x | The name of the github repo |
startTime | Time in seconds since 1/1/1970 | |
status | x | success, failure, cancelled, queued, timeout |
Create an .env
Authenticate with gcloud and set gcp project
gcloud auth application-default login
gcloud config set project YOUR_GCP_PROJECT
Next run the service locally
yarn build
yarn dev
Finally, edit the file in ./tests/pub-sub-message.json
with the data you would like to test and trigger your service:
cd ./tests
./trigger.sh # must be ran from within the 'tests' folder!
The service account that will publish the messages must be added to the ciccd-builds-publisher
terraform variable.
ciccd-builds-publisher = [ "serviceAccount:my-service-account@my-other-project.iam.gserviceaccount.com" ]
Next, you can publish messages to the ciccd-builds messages like this:
gcloud pubsub topics publish \
projects/[your-ciccd-project]/topics/ciccd-builds \