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Semi-external graph engine for trillion-edge graphs.


We will be updating this file as and when required and will serve as help file.


make gstored and make gstoreu or make all

gstored is for directed graphs. gstoreu is for undirected graphs. libaio is required before you build the software.

How to run

gstore has proposed a new storage format called tile based represenation which takes advantage of symmetry and smallest number of bits (SNB) format. So, a graph need to be converted in that format before you can run.

From Binary Graph File in edge list format

  • Graph generation and Conversion: We have modified Graph500 generator little bit and have added the source code to generate a kronecker graph. Go inside graph500-generator directory and run make. You need mpi to be installed. Thereafter run:

    ./generator_test_mpi 25 16 1 1 (single-threaded, single file generated) OR

    mpiexec -n 16 ./generator_test_mpi 25 16 1 1 (16 process, 16 files)

    to generate an kronecker-25-16 graph. This will have 2^25 vertices and 2x16x2^25 edges (assuming undirected).

    If you run multi-process one, than either you need to concatenate all the generated files in one file (use cat filename >> singlefile) or make a separate directory and put all the individual files there. At the end either you have a single binary edge-list file or a directory containing many binary edge files only. Lets call the above generated file/directory as kron_25_16b.dat. Its approximate size is 4GB.

    Kindly, note that this generator is not efficient and will take forever to generate a trillion edge graph. We have one more generator, and plenty of other conversion functions such as text to binary etc, and is shared in Use that for bigger graph generation (or works equally good for smaller one, if you want) using smaller memory footprint. Let me know, if you need any further help.

  • Graph conversion: Run following command to convert the kron_25_16b.dat to tile based representation:

    ./gstoreu -s 25 -i kron_25_16b.dat -c 1 -o tile_25_16b.dat (if you have a single binary edge list file) OR

    ./gstoreu -s 25 -i kron_25_16b.dat -c 2 -o tile_25_16b.dat ( either a single binary file or a directory of many binary files, uses less amount of memory, so better for bigger graphs but slower. This also generates few intermediate files that you need to delete manually by going to input file/directory localtion (ls -a)).

    The above two will generate same final files, and are named tile_25_16b.dat.start, tile_25_16b.dat.grid etc. Graph convesion runs completely in-memory (first one) or used disks (2nd option). So, for above conversion to be successful, you need more than 8 GB of memory (for first option only). In case of you don't have that much memory, generate and convert a smaller sized graph or use second option. E.g. use 8 in place of 16 in the above two commands. It will generate a graph file of size 2GB.

  • Running page rank: To run 5 iteration of pagerank job on scale 25 kronecker graph run following command.

    ./gstoreu -s 25 -i tile_25_16b.dat -j 1 -a5

Please see gstore.cpp main() function for meaning of different parameter such as i, j, o, c, a etc. Changing j value to 0, 1, 2, 3 will allow you to run bfs, pagerank, wcc and kcore. Change a (meaning argument) to set either number of iterations for pagerank, or root vertex for bfs, or value of k for kcore, etc.

From Graph Text file (in edge list format)

Convert your text file to binary file,using following command: ./gstoreu -i xyz.txt -c 4

It will generate a binary file in the same directory where your input text file is. Then use the option of binary file discussed above.

Things to tune:


  • NUM_THDS : Total number of threads to spawn using openMP. We have set its value as 56. Change it prior to compilation. Also, pinning the openmp threads further helps in achieving good performance. This generally requires defining and exporting some openMP environment variable before running gstored/gstoreu. Consult the openMP documentation.


  • total_size: total memory size that you want to set for streaming and caching. Default value is set as 8GB. There is a run time input for this variable.
  • memory: Size of segment. There is two segment used for IO and processing alternatly. Make sure that you set memory and total_size in such a way that total_size/memory gives you an integer.
  • IO_THDS: Number of IO threads to deploy for doing IO. Ideally, you should have just one thread for one SSD but more threads for multiple SSD raid. Feel free to experiment with it.
  • AIO_MAXIO 16384

The above two variables decide the IO depth and IO batching crietria. AIO_BATCHIO count IO will be submitted in each system call of libaio. And the IO will behave as asynchronous till the count of submitted IO (through multiple submission call) reaches beyond AIO_MAXIO. After that, we start reaping the IO and sending thus maintaining the IO depth. Set it to smaller number if you have fewer SSDs. Such as 16 or 32 batching criteria per-SSD.

Other tunables:

  • Huge Page support: We have enabled huge page (2MB huge page is only supported, 1GB pages can be supported easily with slight change) support for many algorithms. To take advantage of huge page support, we use anonymous mmap calls, hence, user has to enable to 2MB page support through boot time parameter(That's all).
  • Trasnparent huge pages (THP) : Transparent huge pages reduces IO throuhgput that we can get out of a single thread. Please disable it for better performance.

There are plently of other settings for IO optimizations such as number of request containers in old block-layer (The new block-layer is called blk-mq). Also the thread completion affinity for IO completions and many more.

Running on other graph files.

Any graph need to be converted to G-Store format to run successfully. For the time being, the conversion runs only from a binary graph file to G-Store format. The binary graph file is just a flat binary file containing edge tuple in format. The size is 4 byte or each vertex. You need to change few hash defines to change this size. So, if you want to convert a graph file where vertex id is 6 or 8 bytes, G-Store can do it. Help will be written later.

However, many real-world graph that we donwload from internet are in ascii format. They must be converted to binary format before G-Store can convert that to G-Store format. We do have utility function to convert the ascii to binary file. Help will be written later.