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Favicon #327
Sadly, Paperless doesn't have anything resembling a logo, so a favicon would be hard to come by until we have that. So, if you've got ideas, or design talent, or a friend with design talent, I'm happy to entertain something pretty :-) |
Sadly I don't have any design skill.I can order something on Fiver if that's ok with you and if nobody want to try it's hand at designing something. |
Well if you're buying, who am I to say no? ;-) One important note though: if you're going to commission a logo via Fiverr, the artist should understand that the logo will be released under the GPL. That is to say, if they make something and you buy it, they either (a) can't retain the copyright, or (b) they must allow their work to be licensed under the GPL. Typically this is covered by Fiverr's terms, but those terms also say:
So TL;DR: if you're buying a logo, make sure you buy one where the artist is releasing all of their IP rights. I just don't want to put the project into a position where the original artist can claim infringement or something. |
@ovv @danielquinn Order a logo? That's over-engineering lol ... How this, here's an extremely simple SVG image (copy/paste into chrome's URL bar):  which is essentially this SVG html code (tweak as desired) base64 encoded: <svg height='300px' width='300px' fill="#000" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" version="2" x="0px" y="0px" viewBox="0 0 100 100" enable-background="new 0 0 100 100" xml:space="preserve">
<polygon points="25.183,32.243 25.183,79.768 72.183,79.768 72.183,79.242"><!-- Bottom Triangle --></polygon>
<g><polygon points="59.005,35.413 59.005,22.233 72.183,35.413"><!-- Folded top-right corner --></polygon></g>
<g><rect x="-3.256" y="48.44" transform="matrix(0.7071 0.7071 -0.7071 0.7071 49.7358 -20.1933)" width="104.999" height="3"><!-- Draw a horizontal line and rotate 45 degrees --></rect></g>
<polygon points="57,37.406 57,22.233 55,22.233 25.183,22.233 25.183,28.001 72.183,75 72.183,39.5 72.183,37.406"><!-- Top Triangle --></polygon>
</svg> |
Thanks @stgarf, but I wanted something a little "leafier" for this project so I fiddled with the fabulous tools on LogoJoy and came up with this one: I've just added the logo to the project and rolled it out as a favicon as well.
I hope this does the trick :-) |
Just noticed that on my installation paperless doesn't have a favicon. It might be a configuration error but I couldn't find any in the repo here.
It could be a nice addition, not sure if there is already an icon for the project ?
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