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121 lines (85 loc) · 3.27 KB

install and switch between multiple Docker CE versions (wal-wahl)

Install and switch between multiple Docker CE versions, activating one version at a time, and switching on-the-fly.

Example Usage

"features": {
    "": {}


Options Id Description Type Default Value
versions list of Docker Engine versions, separated by comma string 26,27
azureDnsAutoDetection Allow automatically setting the dockerd DNS server when the installation script detects it is running in Azure boolean false
dockerDefaultAddressPool Define default address pools for Docker networks. e.g. base=,size=24 string -
disableIp6tables Disable ip6tables (this option is only applicable for Docker versions 27 and greater) boolean false


VS Code Extensions

  • ms-azuretools.vscode-docker


"Wal-Wahl" is a German pun with homophons, meaning picking/voting for a whale.


Make sure to specify the Docker versions (separated by commas) you want to have installed into your devcontainer when requesting the wal-wahl feature:

  "features": {
    "": {
      "versions": "20,27"

Please note that the available Docker CE versions vary by distribution (Debian versus Ubuntu) and release (buster/bullseye/bookworm versus 20.04/22.04/24.04).

This feature installs a command /usr/local/bin/whale-select to list the installed Docker versions, as well as to activate one of them at a time or deactivate it without activating another one. It is not possible to activate multiple Docker versions simultaneously.

List Installed Versions

whale-select list lists the Docker versions installed into this devcontainer. For instance:

$ whale-select list
$ █

Activating a Specific Version

whale-select VERSIONPREFIX activates the Docker version starting with the specified VERSIONPREFIX; it will error if VERSIONPREFIX matches multiple installed Docker versions. If another Docker version is currently activated, it will be deactivated first.

$ sudo whale-select 26
activating 26.1.4...
$ █
$ sudo whale-select 2
error: ambiguous version "2" specified.
available versions:
$ █


whale-select none deselects the currently active Docker version (if any). It is no error when there is no currently activated Docker version.

$ sudo whale-select none
deactivating current Docker/Moby...
$ █


  • currently supports only installing Docker CE
  • no control over the compose plugin version (this is a limitation inherited from Microsoft's DinD feature).

OS Support

This Feature should work on recent versions of Debian/Ubuntu-based distributions with the apt package manager installed.

bash is required to execute the and dind/ scripts.

Superfluous Notes

  • best viewed on a VT100 terminal with amber CRT.

Note: This file was auto-generated from the devcontainer-feature.json. Add additional notes to a