Install and switch between multiple Docker CE versions, activating one version at a time, and switching on-the-fly.
"features": {
"": {}
Options Id | Description | Type | Default Value |
versions | list of Docker Engine versions, separated by comma | string | 26,27 |
azureDnsAutoDetection | Allow automatically setting the dockerd DNS server when the installation script detects it is running in Azure | boolean | false |
dockerDefaultAddressPool | Define default address pools for Docker networks. e.g. base=,size=24 | string | - |
disableIp6tables | Disable ip6tables (this option is only applicable for Docker versions 27 and greater) | boolean | false |
"Wal-Wahl" is a German pun with homophons, meaning picking/voting for a whale.
Make sure to specify the Docker versions (separated by commas) you want to have
installed into your devcontainer when requesting the wal-wahl
"features": {
"": {
"versions": "20,27"
Please note that the available Docker CE versions vary by distribution (Debian versus Ubuntu) and release (buster/bullseye/bookworm versus 20.04/22.04/24.04).
This feature installs a command /usr/local/bin/whale-select
to list the
installed Docker versions, as well as to activate one of them at a time or
deactivate it without activating another one. It is not possible to activate
multiple Docker versions simultaneously.
whale-select list
lists the Docker versions installed into this devcontainer.
For instance:
$ whale-select list
$ █
whale-select VERSIONPREFIX
activates the Docker version starting with the
specified VERSIONPREFIX; it will error if VERSIONPREFIX matches multiple
installed Docker versions. If another Docker version is currently activated, it
will be deactivated first.
$ sudo whale-select 26
activating 26.1.4...
$ █
$ sudo whale-select 2
error: ambiguous version "2" specified.
available versions:
$ █
whale-select none
deselects the currently active Docker version (if any).
It is no error when there is no currently activated Docker version.
$ sudo whale-select none
deactivating current Docker/Moby...
$ █
- currently supports only installing Docker CE
- no control over the compose plugin version (this is a limitation inherited from Microsoft's DinD feature).
This Feature should work on recent versions of Debian/Ubuntu-based distributions
with the apt
package manager installed.
is required to execute the
and dind/
- best viewed on a VT100 terminal with amber CRT.
Note: This file was auto-generated from the devcontainer-feature.json. Add additional notes to a