TheGoodDocsProject Project Steering Committee (PSC) is the official managing body of TheGoodDocsProject and is responsible for setting overall project direction. The committee is drawn from TheGoodDocsProject community and is based on merit and interest.
- Alyssa Rock, chair
- Aaron Peters
- Aidan Doherty
- Ankita Tripathi
- Bryan Klein
- Cameron Shorter
- Carrie Crowe
- Erin McKean
- Morgan Craft
- Ryan Macklin
- Viraji Ogodapola
Our thanks to previous PSC members:
- Becky Todd
- Clarence Cromwell
- Felicity Brand
- Jared Morgan
- Jennifer Rondeau
- Jo Cook
- Chris Ward
- Clarence Cromwell
- Daniel Beck
- Derek Ardolf
- Felicity Brand
- Jared Morgan
- Lana Brindley
PSC members may retire any time. If a PSC member becomes inactive, for multiple quarters, it may time to retire. (Ex-members will typically be welcomed back if they become active again.) An inactive member may be invited to retire. If unresponsive they may be removed by the existing PSC.
Decisions are based on voting using the following:
- +1 : For
- +0: Mildly for, but mostly indifferent
- 0: Indifferent
- -0: Mildly against, but mostly indifferent
- -1 : Strongly against. This is expected to be accompanied by a reason.
For most decisions, a motion is raised within one of TheGoodDocsProject open forums (slack, email list, etc) and those present vote and decide. Should a decision:
- Be strategic or impact many within TheGoodDocsProject,
- Or if there is contention in deciding, and after discussion at least one member is still strongly against the motion, by continuing to vote -1,
Then the motion should be referred to the PSC.
For motions presented to the PSC, a motion is considered passed when there are more PSC +1 votes than -1 votes, and either all PSC members have voted, or 4 days have passed. In the case of a tie, the PSC chair shall have 1.5 votes.
- Regularly contribute to TheGoodDocsProject or related activities
- Help with whatever dirty work is required to keep the project moving forward
- Monitor TheGoodDocsProject conversations, either in weekly meetings, or on the email list, and contribute constructively where appropriate
- Vote promptly (within days) to motions being raised
Credit: This management process is derived from the OSGeoLive PSC process.