- Create a user
sudo -u postgres psql -c "create role biomart_user with password 'biomart_user' login"
- Set environment variables:
PGUSER=biomart_user PGPASSWORD=biomart_user PGDATABASE=transmartDev
- Build the jar file with
gradle assemble
- Run prepare_database.sh
# Build the jar file in build/libs
gradle assemble
# Run test scripts
gradle check
To add schema updates, create a new changelog file in db/changelog/changes and add a record in db.changelog-master.yaml.
- Download Liquibase
- Download postgresql-42.2.5.jre7.jar
- Create a file
:driver=org.postgresql.Driver classpath=postgresql-42.2.5.jre7.jar url=jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/transmart username=tm_cz password=tm_cz changeLogFile=db.changelog.xml
/path/to/liquibase --defaultSchemaName=i2b2demodata generateChangelog
This generates a changelog for the i2b2demodata
schema in db.changelog.xml