• Documentation
Pick your favorite package manager and run one of these:
npm install astro-portabletext
# or
pnpm add astro-portabletext
# or
yarn add astro-portabletext
# or
bun add astro-portabletext
The PortableText
component provides a simple and flexible way to render rich text content. It includes:
- Default rendering for common Portable Text elements (paragraphs, headings, lists, etc.).
- Customizable rendering with your own components or
Here's a minimal example:
/* .astro */
import { PortableText } from "astro-portabletext";
const portableText = [
_type: "block",
children: [
_type: "span",
marks: [],
text: "This is a ",
_type: "span",
marks: ["strong"],
text: "bold",
_type: "span",
marks: [],
text: " text example!",
markDefs: [],
style: "normal",
<PortableText value={portableText} />
📚 Learn more:
For details on custom components, slots, and advanced usage, check out the PortableText component documentation.