Releases: theislab/diffxpy
Releases · theislab/diffxpy
Add fit module documentation into docs
v0.6.6 added fit module into docs
Removed xarray dependency
Adapated interface to batchglm. This release requires batchglm >=v0.6.3. The new version shows much less warnings and requires newer tensorflow and numpy.
Fixed documentation for rtfd
v0.6.4 updated batchglm in requirements, necessary for documentation
pypi upload
v0.6.3 fixed heading and bold text in rst
Fixed documentation
Sphinx documentation can be built locally.
adapated to new anndata interface
adapted to anndata not exporting anndata.base anymore Adapting according to discussion at
Preparing 1.0 release
The interface will stay largely the same, we are fixing remaining small issues and conclude interfacing to all new batchglm functionalities.
Last major beta release
Adapted diffxpy to batchlm v0.5.0. Notably:
- Major improvements in stability by using IRLS as default optimzer. Secondly, optimization hyperparameters are not necessary anymore for defaults as IRLS is hyperparameter free.
- New easier interface for constraints.
- Scale model defaults all to ~1.
Dcoumentation release
- Documentation on builds now.
First beta release
- Improve API
- Add constrained optimization
- Add size factors
- bug fixes and other improvements