Convert Flow React props annotation to PropTypes
- Supports most Flow types (see below)
- Maintains comments
- Works across modules (can import types)
Unknown typesvoid/null
Empty typesnumber / string / boolean
Primitives42 / "hello" / true
Literals[1, 2, 3]
Tuples{ ... }
Objects{ prop: number }
Object Properties{ prop?: number }
Optional properties{ [prop: string]: number }
Optional Indexers
{ [key: string]: number }
Object indexersArray<string>
Unknown ObjectsFunction
Unknown FunctionsRegExp
regular expressionsboolean | string
Unions{ foo: number } & { bar: string }
Intersections- Referencing other types:
type Alias = number
- Type Aliasesinterface Stuff {}
- Interfacesclass Thing {}
- Class Declarationsimport type {Alias} from "./other";
Type imports
{ a: number, [b: string]: number }
Combining properties and indexers{ [a: string]: number, [b: string]: number }
Multiple indexers{ (): void }
Object call propertiesa.b
Qualified type identifiersimport typeof Export from "./other";
Typeof imports
class MyComponent extends React.Component {
props: {
// Add a class name to the root element
className: string
// ...
class MyComponent extends React.Component {
props: {
// Add a class name to the root element
className: string
static propTypes = {
// Add a class name to the root element
className: PropTypes.string.isRequired
// ...
$ yarn add prop-types prop-types-extra
$ yarn add --dev babel-plugin-react-flow-props-to-prop-types
is necessary for intersection type support.
"plugins": [
["react-flow-props-to-prop-types", { /* options */ }]
$ babel --plugins react-flow-props-to-prop-types script.js
require("babel-core").transform("code", {
plugins: [
["react-flow-props-to-prop-types", { /* options */ }]
Passed through to node-resolve
Sometimes you have Flow types which cannot be translated into PropTypes. In these scenarios you can provide your own type:
import type {PropType} from "babel-plugin-react-flow-props-to-prop-types";
class MyComponent extends React.Component {
props: {
foo: PropType<UnknownFunctionType, Function>
PropType is defined as:
type PropType<T, R> = T;
So Flow will use the first type you provide, while this Babel plugin will use the second.