In the "Contract" tab of Polygonscan/Etherscan, you can see the contract code and ABI.
To get the contract ABI,
- Run
make build
; - Find on
field ofout/YOUR_CONTRACT.sol/YOUR_CONTRACT.json
Install Forge
cp .env.local.example .env.local
make build
make test
Static Analyzers
make analyze-billboard
# Preprare environment
cp .env.local.example .env.local
# Deploy Logbook contract (defaults to local node)
make deploy-logbook
# Deploy to local node
make deploy-the-space
# Deploy to testnet
cp .env.polygon-mumbai.example .env.polygon-mumbai
make deploy-the-space NETWORK=polygon-mumbai
# Deploy to mainnet
cp .env.op-mainnet.example .env.op-mainnet
make deploy-the-space NETWORK=op-mainnet
# 1. Concat all file into one
forge flatten src/Logbook/Logbook.sol
# 2. On (Polygonscan)[], Select "Solidity (Single File)" and upload