abc 12
- try templates using \ instead of '' +
Orbit Controls FPS extras
- Switching controllers is probably still the best way
- Adding modes to orbit controls gets as tricky as switching controllers Is it possible to transfer camera position and target?
Pick and Place prep - 3D booleans
Map - traversing and updating in real-time
Infinite map
- Better document title
- More feedback in core
- Bring in STL
- Menu and contents has issues
- Add exploded view demos
- Byuild cross section tool
- Admin notes / Operation dev
- trademark stuff // use code names
- Follows Leap
- MC gallery
- Equations written in standard JavaScript
- MC file that accepts which equation to display based on location hash
- Email list?
- Baez straight lines
- Into Flickr ~
- Update first post
- Add BBN photos
- femur heart UCSF on r74 << will take too much time
- Add more Dirksens
- Add Babylon
- Add Parisi
- Add patterns
- Add my pics
- Flickr API
- next page
- Add video
- Add issues not trademark
- Partnes: imaginary / pira / Kevin Thompson
- coding standards
- Discard non-flyers <<<
- Add a button to clear them
- AC to OBJ?
- Just be able to read AC files then use Three.js to save
- Geoff: what is used to create/read/write AC files
- List of models needed
- Practice OBJ to JSON
- Message Hazuki
- Add listen to Tweets
- Jaume's lines
- Get Ready for Chrome Experiments submission
- Add repo and orgs descriptions? date last update?
- Add blog if user Theo
- Add tags to issues
- Better control over size of iframe
- now forwarding
- Learn how to set up cname on google domains
- Update color script
- Rewrite by by page
- Blog post
- Ten basic scripts
- Update colors by moving hands
- Update vertex colors by washing somethingwith your hands
- Add pick and place script
- Add flick-a-thing script
- Wearable UI
- AR quadcopter
- Add FPS infinite landscape
- On Google Maps
- Add Moving Manuals logo/app
- Add patterns to plan
- Continue building web site
- Email to Richard or start a dialog
- Email Terry
- Ask harry questiona
- Earth SRTM, Moon Mars Globes
- Messages requesting how to make higher resolution or faster to lo Th and Jaume
- Git fork management
- Fix shadows in source code
- r74
Gallery - Marching Cubes
Add external text to any entry
- Embedded or by link as recorded in meta data or read me
css scaling may stop zooming by itself just like that! Not
- add MM - as and when suitable
- finish all ten
- contact Isaac Kendell
2016-03-13 ~
- Multiple random iframes in Markdown << done
- Worked on algesurf-marching-cubes-ui-r1.html
- Created location hash parse variable lengths cookbook snippet
If I make a collection of materials should the collection be an array or an object. Have been using object
- Working on Jaanga readme r4
- Trying to do screen capture on SP500
- Many fixes to SP500 and to capture screen and to read me files
Loads STL files by
- Open file dialog
- Drag and drop from local drive
- Drag and drop from browser tag // still with CORS issues
- Open using URL in location.hash
Small and fast!
screen capture r2
loads files by
- hash
- file open dialog
- drag and drop from local hard disk
- drag and drop from browser tab
view STL files: wip
Started R4 of the Jaanga home page. Goals include:
- simplify its maintenance even more,
- eliminate confusion between choosing same item from either menu or body
- eat some more of my own dog food
- continue github read me is also web page
- Add details that help you choose where you want to go
Built vry nice drag and drop cookbook three.js utils Built nice HTML screen capture util
Hello, world! First post!
Add templates folder to Start coping updating some of my standard templates over to there. The goal is to get more of my acquired knowledge out from being hidden under a rock and made easily accessible to the world.
Thinking about this dev notes file. First I though it should be in Jaanga. But since it is just about me, it should be in I would like to be able to write/blog here on my local computer and have the text pushed to GitHub on a daily basis using a chron job.