A notebook about "selling" Drupal to potential clients, companies, organizations etc. Or, alternatively, a list of Drupal advantages against other solutions.
- Sell Drupal as a "Story", as a narative.
- Sell Drupal as an approach, as a philosophy.
- Drupal has the flexibility to adapt on custom needs (eg a business logic).
- Try to talk about the customer Roadmap and plans and why Drupal can support these.
- Demonstrate the success of others on the same industry due to Drupal (similar showcases).
- Sell what Drupal can do and no other tool can do easily (eg full structured Content management).
- Sell the long term strategy.
- Drupal minimazes client risks (Drupal is not a risky solution).
- Emphasize to the (open source) license only when there is a migration from a commercial product to Drupal.
- Promote the integration with 3rd party tools (so customers don't feel to be restricted by Drupal).
- Drupal (usually) costs more initially but has lower cost long term.
- Instead of paying for a commercial license pay to extend or make better your solution.
- Try to learn what is the current opinion the customer has about Drupal.
- Try to learn how is the customer now solving problems (what system is using, who manages it, what are the issues, what is the cost etc).
- Show other clients feedback (testimonials) about Drupal.
- Don't sell what it does or how it works.
- Don't try to present Drupal as a box of lego pieces (do it yourself toy) but as a complete toy (a ready to play car of legos).
- Don't be too generic about Drupal features.
- Don't compare to others except if there is already a system to replace.
- Don't sell Drupal as a product.
- Avoid demos of any type.
- Avoid showing large tables and charts of Drupal capabilities.
- Don't talk about open source vs closed source advantages.
- Don't say that Drupal is a cheap solution or cheaper than other solutions.
- Don't talk about the community, free modules, issues and other Drupal* things.
- Don't use Drupal specific terminology. Speak with well-known, common, end-user functionality terms.
- adapted software
- open software
- business logic
- long term
- extensible
- flexible
- security
- corporate support
- user permissions
- content structure
- workflow
- investment
- customization
- Pay for the customization, not for the license
- Get only what you need. Nothing less, nothing more.
- Fits perfectly on your needs.
- Adapted to your needs.
- A long term investment.
- Grows as you grow.
- Built for the "hard".
- Before giving an estimation about a project search carefully on Drupal.org because a Distribution may already exist there to fit your needs.
Distributions like Lightning, Thunder Rain, Varbase etc could be an option for generic content websites.
- Selling Drupal CMS - A YouTube list of related presentations
- Drupal: Agency Marketing
- Drupal Initiative Material (google drive)
- The ultimate guide to Drupal 8 (pdf)
- State of Drupal (10/2019)
- drupal.org/8
- Why Drupal 8
- Who uses Drupal - Showcases
- Drupal Brand and logo guidelines 2018 (pdf)
- Selling Drupal (Youtube list)
- Selling Drupal to the Enterprise
- Is it time to give Drupal another look? (Stack Overflow Blog
- drupalsites.net
- Palantir.net's Guide to Digital Governance
- stackshare.io/drupal
- Complete Guide on Drupal Security (2018)
- Acquia a leader in 2019 Gartner Magic Quadrant for Web Content Management (2019)
- Have We Reached Peak Drupal? (2017)
- Svg glyphs, illustrations and icons related to Drupal CMS (github)