My dotfiles
To Configure, replace your .config/ and .bashrc to mine. Step 1: Download files:
git clone
step 2: Downloading Applications: Applications required:
sudo pacman -S alacritty awesome conky htop nano neofetch nitrogen rofi dmenu thunar qtile brightnessctl amixer
cd dotfiles/
cp -r * ~/
Additional apps/packages: picom telegram lxappearance xfce4-screenshooter blueberry code virt-manager archlinux-logout archlinux-tweak-tool discord firefox vlc deadbeef etcher gparted geany kdenlive meld notepadqq obs onlyoffice qbittorrent redshift ristretto stacer steam thunderbird tor ventoy lutris variety
NOTE:Qtile requires Ubuntu fonts installed. Qtile brightness and volume controls only work with the brightnessctl and amixer packages installed
rc.lua should work now that I've finally gotten around to fixing these dotfiles. At the time of writing this paragraph, it's 10:54 UK time on the 30th May 2022, and I just want to declare proudly that this commit I'm about to do has had all of the changes done entirely in the terminal, while this Readme paragraph has been written in Vim. Safe to say I'm very proud of myself! I'm probably never removing this BTW.