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Releases: thetwom/toc2

Fix sound issues on positive delay

16 Jun 18:43
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  • Slower scrolling on scene reordering
  • Fix sound issue when using positive delays.

Slower scrolling on scene reordering - RC1

23 Apr 19:36
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  • Slower scrolling while reordering scenes
  • Update dependencies
  • Enable minify for smaller app size.

Make app work with Android 14

06 Oct 22:01
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  • Make app work on Android 14
  • Update dependencies

Russian translations

30 Aug 18:49
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  • Russian translations (Thanks to Aleksey)
  • Update dependencies

Fix monochrome icon

25 Jul 19:37
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  • Fix monochrome icon

Advance marker instead of note animations

25 Jul 18:14
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  • New icon
  • Option for setting delay of visual feedback
  • Don't animate notes anymore but use an advance marker (more precise feel)

Advance marker instead of note animations

22 Jul 05:15
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  • Notes are not animated any more, but an advance marker is used for more precise visualization
  • Add an option to adjust the delay of visualization effects
  • New icon

Animated circle area and tap in

26 Feb 22:13
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  • Add option for larger tick animations on the adjustment circle
  • More accurate tap in (averaging over up to 100 values)

Setting for animated circle area - RC3

15 Feb 20:24
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  • Animated circle follows visualization type
  • Disable bottom bar if circle is animated
  • More accurate tap in mechanism

Setting for animated circle area - RC2

30 Jan 13:58
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  • Quicker fade for blinking circle
  • Couple blinking intensity with volume