All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
2.0.0 (2018-04-24)
- app: update project to new angular framework (eebfc2b)
- @edwardoparearyee: Feature: mobile first less (#51)
- @edwardoparearyee: Feature: Improved font rendering (#50)
- @edwardoparearyee: Feature: Watch new files (#47)
- @edwardoparearyee: Feature: Update editorconfig (#46)
- @edwardoparearyee: Feature: add circleci badge (#45)
- @edwardoparearyee: Feature: Move html5 location config into it's own module (#44)
- @edwardoparearyee: Feature: update csslint options to match twitter bootstrap (#41)
- @edwardoparearyee: Fix: gruntfile issues (#38)
- @edwardoparearyee: Feature: Update gruntfile (#36)
- @edwardoparearyee: Feature: Re-add grunt-protractor-webdriver (#33)
- @jamesjwarren: Feature: update linting (#31)
- @jamesjwarren: Fix: script quote mark (#30)
- @jamesjwarren: Feature: base docker config (#29)
- @jamesjwarren: Feature: html (#26)
- @jamesjwarren: Feature: lint less files with csslint (#25)
- @edwardoparearyee: Fix: e2e tests (#24)
- @jamesjwarren: Feature: update styleguide (#23)
- @jamesjwarren: Feature: link scripts in index.html from scripts.json (#21)
- @edwardoparearyee: Feature: Circle CI (#14)
- @edwardoparearyee: Improvement: Grunt copy task update (#13)
- @edwardoparearyee: Fix(grunt): use both concat + uglify tasks to fix minify issue with some libraries (#11)
- @edwardoparearyee: Fix(grunt): copy partials that are in sub directories in
- @edwardoparearyee: Fix: Broken build in travis
- @edwardoparearyee: Improvement: Update node version to v0.12.2
- @edwardoparearyee: Improvement: update npm and bower packages
- @edwardoparearyee: Improvement: Refactor angular app architecture
- @edwardoparearyee: Feature: Add favicons
- @edwardoparearyee: Improvement: Replace "/**" --> "//" for css comments
- @edwardoparearyee: Improvement: Refactor less to use bootstrap more cleverly
- @edwardoparearyee: Feature: Incompatible browser warnings (#9)
- @edwardoparearyee: Feature: Environment variables (#8)
- @edwardoparearyee: Feature: Simplify e2e build (#7)
- @edwardoparearyee: Fix: Remove remaining references to old name (#5)
- @edwardoparearyee: Fix: Increase jshint line length limit (#4)
- @edwardoparearyee: Feature: Force strict dependency injection (#3)
- @edwardoparearyee: First release