Biggest question: Might it get global?
- Personal app mobile/web
- Statistics
- Prepared training plans
- Custom training plans
- Hire remote trainer
- Social - friends, share, challenges
- For Gym
- Gym vs. Gym challenges - boards in gym, monthly rankings, ....
- Equipment statistics - maintenance, lifetime
- Several DeepLenses
- ?5-10? per small-mid gym
- self setup, registration and management via admin interface (with view area to machine/exercise editation)
- might get global easier than solution below
- IP cameras + Servers to process
- probably more reliable
- would need partners around the globe
- worse installation and maintenance
- IP cameras / DeepLenses process on AWS
- probably moste expansive operation
- thousands $ investments
- Lifetime of Cameras (2 years? in doubt)
- Disturbances
- Cloud / Backend costs
- Personal Subscriptions
- Prepared training plans
- Maybe share from hiring remote trainers
- Fee from Gyms for equipment statistics
- HUGE ammount of data for training other models
- Connected shop with equipment or at least affilieate
- Advertisement
- Cooperation with manufacturer of fitness machines (other sensor + Raspberry Pi as IoT item)