All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
frac() - Rational
Rational.of(String string)
now also supports numbers with integer and fractional part, plus optionally a repeating fractional part, for example "123.456789" (representing 123456789/1000000) or "123.456_789" (representing 123.456789789789... = 41111111/333000).
floor() - Rational
ceil() - Rational
round() - Rational
Rational.random(int bits) - Rational
Rational.random(int bits, Random random) - Rational
Rational.ofReciprocal(int denominator) - Rational
Rational.ofReciprocal(long denominator) - Rational
Rational.ofReciprocal(BigInteger denominator) - Rational
could deliver wrong result if the numerator was -1
Corrected Maven version. Other than that, this version is identical to version 1.1.0.
Version 1.1.0 has accidentally been released on Maven as version "1.1.0-RELEASE". Use version "1.1.1" instead.
redouble() - Rational
halve() - Rational
mod(Rational other) - Rational
lcm(Rational other) - Rational
isNegationOf(Rational other) - boolean
isReciprocalOf(Rational other) - boolean
toDecimal(int scale, RoundingMode roundingMode) - BigDecimal
toContinuedFraction() - BigInteger[]
Rational.ofContinuedFraction(BigInteger... integers) - Rational
Initial release.