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This sample demonstrates how to use custom meters in a Kubernetes application. The application consists of two pods, one running a flask web form, and the second a redis instance for temporary data storage. The application submits usage data to Azure Commerce Metering API for every vote casted per hour.
For more detail about custom meter and how it can be setup in the partner center, please refer to documentation
To submit usage data to Azure Commerce Metering API, you need to add the following information in the values.yaml file:
# Application's Managed Service Identity (MSI) Client ID. ClientID can be used to generate authentication token to communicate to external services like Microsoft Marketplace Metering API
clientId: "DONOTMODIFY" # Azure populates this value at deployment time
# id of the plan purchased for the Azure Marketplace Kubernetes application,to be used in usage event payload to metering api, for more information please refer:
planId: "DONOTMODIFY" # Azure populates this value at deployment time
# resource id of the Azure Marketplace Kubernetes application,to be used in usage event payload to metering api, for more information please refer:
resourceId: "DONOTMODIFY" # application's Azure Resource ID, Azure populates this value at deployment time
Inside your code, you can follow the difference between and
Here is a snippet on how to generate MSI based authentication token and send usage event to metering API:
# getMsiToken gets the MSI identity based authentication token from IMDS service running on the AKS cluster (endpoint
def getMsiToken():
# audience for the token to be generated
resource = '20e940b3-4c77-4b0b-9a53-9e16a1b010a7'
client_id = os.environ['CLIENT_ID']
url = "{0}&resource={1}".format(client_id,resource)
headers = {'Metadata': 'true'}
resp = requests.get(url)
resp = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
print("getMsiToken got response successfully")
return resp.json()
# sendCustomUsageToMeteringAPI sends usage event to metering service
def sendCustomUsageToMeteringAPI(quantity : str):
# metering service production URL
url = ''
# get resourceId (application's Azure resource id) from environment variable
resourceId = os.environ['EXTENSION_RESOURCE_ID']
# get plan id from environment variable
planId = os.environ['PLAN_ID']
# generate a guid to be used as a correlation id which can be used for debugging purposes with metering service
correlationId = uuid.uuid4()
# get MSI identity based bearer token
token = getMsiToken()
accessToken = "Bearer {0}".format(token["access_token"])
# add headers
headers = {'authorization': accessToken, 'x-ms-correlationid': str(correlationId), 'content-type': 'application/json'}
# create usage payload, or more information please refer:
usage ={
'resourceUri' : resourceId,
'planId' : planId,
'dimension' : 'pervote',
'quantity' : int(quantity),
'effectiveStartTime' : str(
print("sendCustomUsageToMeteringAPI sending usage: {0}".format(usage))
print("sendCustomUsageToMeteringAPI using corretion id {0}".format(correlationId))
resp =, data=json.dumps(usage), headers=headers)
print("sendCustomUsageToMeteringAPI response from metering API, status: {0} resp : {1}".format(resp.status_code, resp.json()))
return resp
def getCustomUsageFromMeteringAPI():
# metering service production URL to get usage events already ingested, add appropriate duration
url = '{0}'.format(str( + datetime.timedelta(days=-1)))
# generate a guid to be used as a correlation id which can be used for debugging purposes with metering service
correlationId = uuid.uuid4()
print("getCustomUsageFromMeteringAPI using corretion id {0}".format(correlationId))
# get MSI identity based bearer token
token = getMsiToken()
accessToken = "Bearer {0}".format(token["access_token"])
# add headers
headers = {'authorization': accessToken, 'x-ms-correlationid': str(correlationId), 'content-type': 'application/json'}
print("getCustomUsageFromMeteringAPI getting usage in last 1 days")
resp = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
print("getCustomUsageFromMeteringAPI response from metering API, status: {0} resp : {1}".format(resp.status_code, resp.json()))
return resp