Project of Graph Mining
The project consists in an analyse of the dataset concerning children in highschool and their relations.
Format of the file : "i j w"
Meaning : i reported spending x(w) time with j
- i ID i of a person (int)
- j ID j of another person (int)
- w Duration of contact between i and j (int)
- w = 1 : at most 5 minutes
- w = 2 : between 5 and 15 minutes
- w = 3 : between 15 minutes and 1 hour
- w = 4 : more than 1 hour
Format of the file : "i j w"
Meaning : i is friend or not on Facebook with j
- i ID i of a person (int)
- j ID j of another person (int)
- w Status of Facebook friendship (bool)
Format of the file : "i j"
Meaning : i reported a friendship with j
- i ID i of a person (int)
- j ID j of another person (int)
Format of the file : "t i j Ci Cj"
Meaning : i from class Ci and j from class Cj where together at interval [t - 20s, t]
- t Contact between i and j at time [t - 20s, t] (int)
- i ID i of a person (int)
- j ID j of another person (int)
- Ci Class Ci of the person i (str)
- Cj Class Cj of the person j (str)
Format of the file : "i Ci Gi"
Meaning : The person i is in the class Ci and has a gender Gi
- i ID of the person (int)
- Ci Class Ci of the person (str)
- Gi Gender Gi of the person (str)
Source of the data : Source