- Title: Network in Network
- Authors: Min Lin, Qiang Chen and Suicheng Yan
- URL: https://arxiv.org/abs/1312.4400
- Year: 2013
- Other information: Implementation using TFLearn is available on GitHub.
- Key: Lin2013
- Propose a deep neural network structure replacing the generalized linear model structure of the convolutional filter with a multilayer perceptron (MLP).
- Convolutional filter in CNN is a generalized linear model for the underlying data patch.
- Implicitly makes assumption that latent concepts are linearly separable.
- Representations that achieve good abstraction are highly non-linear functions of the training data.
- Start with a conventional CNN and replace the linear convolution filter with a "micro neural network" hence the name Network in Network (NIN).
- Local patch is mapped to the output feature vector with a MLP consisting of fully connected layers with non-linear activation functions (ReLU in this work).
- MLP slides over the input the same way as the convolution filters.
- Why MLP?
- MLP can be trained using backprop.
- MLP can be a deep model itself.
- This structure can also be seen as replacing a n x n convolution with a stack of 1x1 convolutions.
- Global average pooling
- Fully connected layers are prone to overfitting: replace them with a global average pooling layer.
- Take the average of each feature map and feed it directly into the softmax layer
- More native to the convolution structure: clarer correspondence between feature maps and categories.
- Feature maps can be interpreted as category confidence maps.
- No parameter to optimize.
- Can be seen as a structural regularizer.
- Four benchmark datasets
CIFAR-10 | CIFAR-100 | SVHN | MNIST | |
Image size | 32x32 | 32x32 | 32x32 | 28x28 |
Training images | 50K | 50K | 73257 + 531131(extra) | 60K |
Validation images | (x) | (y) | ||
Testing images | 10K | 10K | 26032 | 10K |
Number of classes | 10 | 100 | 10 | 10 |
(x) in the experiments with CIFAR-10 dataset the training images are split into 40K/10K training/validation sets.
(y) 400 samples per class from training set and 200 samples per class from the extra set are used for validation.
Three stacked mlpconv layers followed by max-pooling layers.
Dropout is applied on the outputs of all but the last mlpconv layers.
Training procedure follows Krizhevsky2012: weight initialization and learning rates (divided by 10 as accuracy stops improving).
Results for this implementation are shown as NIN+dropout in tables.
- Pre-processing: global contrast normalization and ZCA whitening.
- For the CIFAR-10, two hyperparameters were tuned: local receptive field size and the weight decay. For the CIFAR-100, the same settings of CIFAR-10 are used.
- Translation and horizontal flipping augmentation.
Method | Test Error (%) |
Stochastic pooling | 15.13 |
CNN + Spearmint | 14.98 |
Conv. maxout + dropout | 11.68 |
NIN + dropout | 10.41 |
CNN + Spearmint + data augmentation | 9.50 |
Conv. maxout + dropout + data augmentation | 9.38 |
DropConnect + 12 networks + data augmentation | 9.32 |
NIN + dropout + data augmentation | 8.81 |
Largest activations are observed in the feature map corresponding to the groud truth category of the input image (enforced by global average pooling).
Method | Test Error (%) |
Learned pooling | 43.71 |
Stochastic pooling | 42.51 |
Conv. maxout + dropout | 38.57 |
Tree based priors | 36.85 |
NIN + dropout | 35.68 |
- SVHN - Street View House Numbers:
- Pre-processing: local constrast normalization
- 3 mlpconv layers followed by global average pooling
Method | Test Error (%) |
Stochastic pooling | 2.80 |
Rectifier + dropout | 2.78 |
Rectifier + dropout + synthetic translation | 2.68 |
Conv. maxout + dropout | 2.47 |
Multi-digit number recognition | 2.16 |
DropConnect | 1.94 |
NIN + dropout | 2.35 |
- Same structure as used for CIFAR-10 but number of feature maps generated from each mlpconv layer is reduced.
- Tested without data augmentation.
Method | Test Error (%) |
2-layer CNN + 2-layer NN | 0.53 |
Stochastic pooling | 0.47 |
Conv. maxout + dropout | 0.45 |
NIN + dropout | 0.47 |
- NIN was not tested without dropout.
- NIN was tested only on small images - no tests were performed on the ImageNet dataset.