This repository contains platforms maintained by the EDK II community.
Need place on where platforms can be maintained by the EDK II community. This serves several purposes:
- Encourage more platforms sources to be shared earlier in the development process
- Allow platform sources to be shared that may not yet meet all edk2 required quality criteria
- Allow platform source to be shared so the EDK II community may choose to help finish and validate
- Allow more platforms to be used as part of the edk2 validation and release cycle.
Create a new repo called edk2-platforms
The default branch edk2-platforms/master contains all open platforms that are actively validated against the packages in edk2/master.
The intent is for packages in edk2-platforms to be CPU, Chipset, SoC, or platform specific. Drivers that are CPU arch and platform agnostic should be put into the edk2 repo.
edk2-platforms discussions use the edk2-devel mailing list for design/patch/test using the following style for discussion of a platform branch in edk2-platforms repo.
[platforms/branch]: Subject
All commits to edk2-platforms must follow same rules use for commits to edk2 (e.g. Tiano Contributor's Agreement)
Process to add a new branch to edk2-platforms
Maintainer sends patch email to edk2-devel mailing list announcing the creation of a new branch in edk2-platforms with must be in root of branch with summary, owners, status, build instructions, target update instructions, OS compatibility, known issues/limitations, links to related materials, and anything else a developer needs to use platform(s) in that branch.
- must provide the PACKAGES_PATH setting required to build along with the branch names of other repos that platform requires. This allows a platform developer(s) to use packages from edk2/master or to use packages from a validated UDK release (e.g. edk2/UDK2015).
Maintainer creates branch with in edk2-platforms
An edk2-platforms branch for platforms under development use the following branch naming convention:
An edk2-platforms branch for stable platforms use the following branch naming convention:
Process to update sources in edk2-platforms branch
Commit message subject format:
[PATCH][platforms/branch]: Package/Module: Subject
Directly commit changes to branch or if community review is desired, use edk2-devel review process.
Process to remove an edk2-platforms branch
Stewards may periodically review of branches in edk2-platforms (once a quarter?)
If no activity on a branch for extended period of time and the branch is not being maintained and is no longer functional then stewards send email to edk2-devel to request deletion of edk2-platforms branch.
If no objections from EDK II community, then branch is deleted and archived at
How to evaluate a platform in edk2-platforms
Clone edk2-platforms/[branch name]
Following instructions in to build firmware and update target platform
This section is a template for a file in an edk2-platforms branch that supports multiple platforms. The list of platforms is presented here with links to the in each platform subdirectory.