Gammapy 1.0 will be released in 2016.
For plans and progress see
Gammapy 0.5 will be released in late spring 2016.
For plans and progress see
Gammapy 0.4 will be released in early spring 2016.
For plans and progress see
- Support for Python 3.5 added, testing on Python 3.3 removed (should still work, but will break eventually)
- Support for Windows added (testing on AppVeyor)
- Gammapy now requires Numpy 1.8. Support for Numpy 1.6, 1.7 was dropped.
- Gammapy now requires Scipy 0.15. Support for Scipy 0.14 was dropped.
- Axel Donath
- Brigitta Sipocz (new)
- Christoph Deil
- Dirk Lennarz (new)
- Johannes King
- Lea Jouvin (new)
- Luigi Tibaldo (new)
- Manuel Paz Arribas
- [#421] Add spectrum fit serialisation code (Johannes King)
- [#403] Improve spectrum analysis (Johannes King)
- [#414] Add Windows tests on Appveyor (Christoph Deil)
- [#398] Add function to compute exposure cubes (Luigi Tibaldo)
- [#396] Rewrite spectrum analysis (Johannes King)
- [#395] Fix misc issues with IRF classes (Johannes King)
- [#394] Move some data specs to gamma-astro-data-formats (Christoph Deil)
- [#392] Use external ci-helpers (Brigitta Sipocz)
- [#387] Improve Gammapy catalog query and browser (Christoph Deil)
- [#383] Add EnergyOffsetArray (Lea Jouvin)
- [#379] Add gammapy.region and reflected region computation (Johannes King)
- [#375] Misc cleanup of scripts and docs (Christoph Deil)
- [#371] Improve catalog utils (Christoph Deil)
- [#369] Improve the data management toolbox (Christoph Deil)
- [#367] Add Feldman Cousins algorithm (Dirk Lennarz)
- [#364] Improve catalog classes and gammapy-extra data handling (Jonathan Harris, Christoph Deil)
- [#361] Add gammapy-spectrum-pipe (Johannes King)
- [#359] Add 1D spectrum analysis tool based on gammapy.hspec (Johannes King)
- [#353] Add some scripts and examples (Christoph Deil)
- [#352] Add data management tools (Christoph Deil)
- [#351] Rewrite EnergyDispersion class (Johannes King)
- [#348] Misc code cleanup (Christoph Deil)
- [#347] Add background cube model comparison plot script (Manuel Paz Arribas)
- [#342] Add gammapy-bin-image test (Christoph Deil)
- [#339] Remove PoissonLikelihoodFitter (Christoph Deil)
- [#338] Add example script for cube background models (Manuel Paz Arribas)
- [#337] Fix sherpa morphology fitting script (Axel Donath)
- [#335] Improve background model simulation (Manuel Paz Arribas)
- [#332] Fix TS map boundary handling (Axel Donath)
- [#330] Add EnergyDispersion and CountsSpectrum (Johannes King)
- [#319] Make background cube models (Manuel Paz Arribas)
- [#290] Improve energy handling (Johannes King)
- Released on August 13, 2015 (Gammapy 0.3 on PyPI)
- Requires Astropy version 1.0 or later.
- 9 contributors (5 new)
- 4 months of work (from April 13, 2014 to August 13, 2015)
- 24 pull requests
- On-off likelihood spectral analysis was added in
, contributed by Regis Terrier and Ignasi Reichardt. It will be refactored and is thus not part of the public API. - The Gammapy 0.3 release is the basis for an ICRC 2015 poster contribution
- Manuel Paz Arribas
- Christoph Deil
- Axel Donath
- Jonathan Harris (new)
- Johannes King (new)
- Stefan Klepser (new)
- Ignasi Reichardt (new)
- Regis Terrier
- Victor Zabalza (new)
- [#326] Fix Debian install instructions (Victor Zabalza)
- [#318] Set up and document logging for Gammapy (Christoph Deil)
- [#317] Using consistent plotting style in docs (Axel Donath)
- [#312] Add an "About Gammapy" page to the docs (Christoph Deil)
- [#306] Use assert_quantity_allclose from Astropy (Manuel Paz Arribas)
- [#301] Simplified attribute docstrings (Manuel Paz Arribas)
- [#299] Add cube background model class (Manuel Paz Arribas)
- [#296] Add interface to HESS FitSpectrum JSON output (Christoph Deil)
- [#295] Observation table subset selection (Manuel Paz Arribas)
- [#291] Remove gammapy.shower package (Christoph Deil)
- [#289] Add a simple Makefile for Gammapy. (Manuel Paz Arribas)
- [#286] Function to plot Fermi 3FGL light curves (Jonathan Harris)
- [#285] Add infos how to handle times in Gammapy (Christoph Deil)
- [#283] Consistent random number handling and improve sample_sphere (Manuel Paz Arribas)
- [#280] Add new subpackage: gammapy.time (Christoph Deil)
- [#279] Improve SNRcat dataset (Christoph Deil)
- [#278] Document observation tables and improve gammapy.obs (Manuel Paz Arribas)
- [#276] Add EffectiveAreaTable exporter to EffectiveAreaTable2D (Johannes King)
- [#273] Fix TS map header writing and temp file handling (Axel Donath)
- [#264] Add hspec - spectral analysis using Sherpa (Regis Terrier, Ignasi Reichardt, Christoph Deil)
- [#262] Add SNRCat dataset access function (Christoph Deil)
- [#261] Fix spiral arm model bar radius (Stefan Klepser)
- [#260] Add offset-dependent effective area IRF class (Johannes King)
- [#256] EventList class fixes and new features (Christoph Deil)
- Released on April 13, 2015 (Gammapy 0.2 on PyPI)
- Requires Astropy version 1.0 or later.
- Gammapy now uses Cython, i.e. requires a C compiler for end-users and in addition Cython for developers.
- 4 contributors (1 new)
- 8 months of work (from August 25, 2014 to April 13, 2015)
- 40 pull requests
- Manuel Paz Arribas (new)
- Christoph Deil
- Axel Donath
- Ellis Owen
- [#254] Add changelog for Gammapy (Christoph Deil)
- [#252] Implement TS map computation in Cython (Axel Donath)
- [#249] Add data store and observation table classes, improve event list classes (Christoph Deil)
- [#248] Add function to fill acceptance image from curve (Manuel Paz Arribas)
- [#247] Various fixes to image utils docstrings (Manuel Paz Arribas)
- [#246] Add catalog and plotting utils (Axel Donath)
- [#245] Add colormap and PSF inset plotting functions (Axel Donath)
- [#244] Add 3FGL to dataset fetch functions (Manuel Paz Arribas)
- [#236] Add likelihood converter function (Christoph Deil)
- [#235] Add some catalog utilities (Christoph Deil)
- [#234] Add multi-scale TS image computation (Axel Donath)
- [#231] Add observatory and data classes (Christoph Deil)
- [#230] Use setuptools entry_points for scripts (Christoph Deil)
- [#225] Misc cleanup (Christoph Deil)
- [#221] TS map calculation update and docs (Axel Donath)
- [#215] Restructure TS map computation (Axel Donath)
- [#212] Bundle in gammapy/extern (Christoph Deil)
- [#210] Restructure image measurement functions (Axel Donath)
- [#205] Remove healpix_to_image function (moved to reproject repo) (Christoph Deil)
- [#200] Fix quantity errors from astro source models (Christoph Deil)
- [#194] Bundle TeVCat in gammapy.datasets (Christoph Deil)
- [#191] Add Fermi PSF dataset and example (Ellis Owen)
- [#188] Add tests for spectral_cube.integral_flux_image (Ellis Owen)
- [#187] Fix bugs in spectral cube class (Ellis Owen)
- [#186] Add iterative kernel background estimator (Ellis Owen)
- Released on August 25, 2014 (Gammapy 0.1 on PyPI)
- Requires Astropy version 0.4 or later.
- 5 contributors
- 15 months of work (from May 15, 2013 to August 25, 2014)
- 82 pull requests
- Rolf Bühler
- Christoph Deil
- Axel Donath
- Ellis Owen
- Regis Terrier
Note that Gammapy development started out directly in the master branch, i.e. for some things there is no pull request we can list here.
- [#180] Clean up datasets code and docs (Christoph Deil)
- [#177] Misc code and docs cleanup (Christoph Deil)
- [#176] Add new sub-package (Christoph Deil)
- [#167] Add image profile function (Ellis Owen)
- [#166] Add SED from Cube function (Ellis Owen)
- [#160] Add code to make model images from a source catalog (Ellis Owen)
- [#157] Re-write Galaxy modelling code (Axel Donath)
- [#156] Add Fermi Vela dataset (Ellis Owen)
- [#155] Add PSF convolve function (Ellis Owen)
- [#154] Add Fermi PSF convolution method (Ellis Owen)
- [#151] Improve npred cube functionality (Ellis Owen)
- [#150] Add npred cube computation (Christoph Deil and Ellis Owen)
- [#142] Add EffectiveAreaTable and EnergyDependentMultiGaussPSF classes (Axel Donath)
- [#138] Add Crab flux point dataset (Rolf Bühler)
- [#128] Add flux point computation using Lafferty & Wyatt (1995) (Ellis Owen)
- [#122] Add morphology models as Astropy models (Axel Donath)
- [#117] Improve synthetic Milky Way modeling (Christoph Deil)
- [#116] Add Galactic source catalog simulation methods (Christoph Deil)
- [#109] Python 2 / 3 compatibility with a single codebase (Christoph Deil)
- [#103] Add datasets functions to fetch Fermi catalogs (Ellis Owen)
- [#100] Add image plotting routines (Christoph Deil)
- [#96] Add wstat likelihood function for spectra and images (Christoph Deil)
- [#88] Add block reduce function for HDUs (Ellis Owen)
- [#84] Add TablePSF and Fermi PSF (Christoph Deil)
- [#68] Integrate PyFACT functionality in Gammapy (Christoph Deil)
- [#67] Add image measure methods (Christoph Deil)
- [#66] Add plotting module and HESS colormap (Axel Donath)
- [#65] Add model image and image measurement functionality (Axel Donath)
- [#64] Add coordinate string IAU designation format (Christoph Deil)
- [#58] Add per-pixel solid angle function in image utils (Ellis Owen)
- [#48] Add sphere and power-law sampling functions (Christoph Deil)
- [#34] Rename tevpy to gammapy (Christoph Deil)
- [#25] Add continuous wavelet transform class (Regis Terrier)
- [#12] Add coverage reports to continuous integration on coveralls (Christoph Deil)
- [#11] Add blob detection (Axel Donath)
- Rename tevpy to gammapy in commit 7e955f on Aug 19, 2013 (Christoph Deil)
- Start tevpy repo with commit 11af4c on May 15, 2013 (Christoph Deil)