- On Item.mousePressed: select
- On Item.mouseMove: __move
- On Item.mouseReleased: deselect
- SC:
- Init: Z+2T
- Allways > Z
- Movable
- Stop on tics only
- 2-clickable
- PD:
- Init: Z-T
- Allways < Z
- Moving with SC
Same as MainPtr but:
- other color
- not set by mouse click
- right click (del, change)
- root: mk new idx
- ∀ chart: mk new TmpPtr
- as MainPtr
- root: rm idx from list
- ∀ chart: rm TmpPtr
Add, __move
- Chart
- Top
- Bottom
Context menu
Edit (value, name)
- Select (QListWidget)
- Add, __move (depends on pors/shift/func)
- Context menu
- Del
- Edit (value, func)
- Refresh on pors/shift change
- Color (+refresh)
- Select
- Add
- Context menu
- Del
- Edit:
- pors
- Refresh on change:
- color
- pors
shift(undefined behavior)
- z-ptr (bottom)
- Signal: color, style
- Scale:
- X:
- scroll
- resize (дергается)
- zoom
- Y:
- resize
- resize_all
- zoom (unstable)
- scroll
- X:
- ContextMenu:
- prop
- hide
- DnD:
- sig.join
- sig.move
- sig.unjoin
- bar.move
- Switch:
- pors
- shift
- viewas
- Pointers:
- Common:
- Main
- Tmp
- Analog:
- Msr
- Lvl
- Common:
- Fixes:
- Plot: Signal normalize
- SignalLabelList: deselect
- Scatters (none/plus)
- MainPtr move labels refresh
- Chk shift (rerange)
- Disable Y-scaling (zoom/resize[_all]) for status-only bars
- Y-zoom indicator
- DnD: Clean/Restore MsrPtr/LvlPtr
- DnD: TmpPtr not restored on signal unjoin
- #182: Y-zoom unstable
- #183: Y-zoom: reset for exact status-only bar
- #184: Bar height (init, DnD)
- Diagram:
- textitem (text, anchor, radius)
- ↳ axis label
- Arrow
- Vector = Arrow + Label
- Select signals
- Initial fill:
- Table (name, color, values)
- Diagram (name, color, angle)
- Update by MainPtr:
- Table (values)
- Diagram (angle)
- Align angle to:
- North
- Base signal
- TmpPtr:
- Select
- Chg TmpPtrs:
- Add: add to list
- Del: switch to MainPtr
- Switch
- Update by selected TmpPtr
- Hide/Show signals
- Update signal colors
- CVD window on/off
- close CVD on OscWindow close
- Split by modules
- Select signals
- >100%
- Initial fill (name, color, values)
- Update by ptr
- Update signal colors
- Split by modules
- Fixed: Signal adding only
- Fixed: Select ss => Cancel == deselect all
- 5 x Checkbox injected into prin preview dialog
- Get i-slice
- Canvas:
- Header
- Grid
- Ptrs (main, OMP, tmp)
- Payload (rows):
- Label
- Graph
- Ptrs (Msr, Lvl)
- Separate custom print options buttons
- i_range expand
- Ptrs on/off (global)
- Extra (left) grid items
- bar.is_bool labels too low (? html style ?)
- Not refreshed (exec_ [>slot_paint_request])
- Ptrs on/off (local)
- Modal prn dialog
- Export to CVS
- Value table
- OMP map
- OMP save
- Find
- Highlight focused table
- Highlight ss found
- Red if not found
- Scroll
- Cfg save
- Cfg load
- Fixes:
- 2×CRLF @ Windows
- MsrPtr/LvlPtr wrongs save