Integration between sencha touch and angular.js. Provides an html markup and compile integration as both frameworks modify the dom. This integration is very general, so almost all widgets should work out-of-the-box!
Furthermore provides special enhancements useful for mobile applications.
Note that this just needs angular and sencha touch as dependencies, but no jquery, dojo, ...
Please also see jquery-mobile-angular-adapter.
Due to the nature of angular this is intended to be used WITHOUT the Sencha Touch stores:
- Due to their direct link to Stores a new list and grouped-list widget was created that just displays
it's content. Use
for databinding the rows to the model. - Due to it's direct link to stores the
uses an angular-expression in it's options attribute, which gets refreshed whenever the popup opens or the value changes.
- Js fiddle Todo mobile with sencha touch.
- Single source app for jquery-mobile and sencha touch:
- The project Sencha Angular Toys uses most of the angular widgets. A live version is available under
Include this adapter after angular and sencha tuch (see below).
ATTENTION: Do NOT use the autobind
mode of angular, but use the auto-start
meta tag.
<html xmlns:ng="" xmlns:ngm="">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="lib/sencha-touch.css"/>
<meta name="auto-start" content="true">
<script src="lib/angular-0.9.19.js"></script>
<script src="lib/sencha-touch-1.1.0.js"></script>
<script src="lib/sencha-touch-angular-adapter-0.9.0.js"></script>
The build is done using maven and requirejs.
mvn clean package -Pbuild
: This will create a new version of the adapter and put it into/compiled
Please install the latest version of the maven plugin brew
. This project provides a
snapshot release in /localrepo
mvn clean integration-test -Ptest
: This will do a build and execute the tests using js-test-driver. The browser that is used can be specified in the pom.xml.mvn clean package jetty:run
: This will start a webserver underlocalhost:8080/jqmng
. The unit-tests can be run via the urllocalhost:8080/jqmng/UnitSpecRunner.html
The ui-tests can be run via the urllocalhost:8080/jqmng/UiSpecRunner.html
This follows the usual maven directory layout:
- src/main/webapp: The production code
- src/test/webapp: The test code
- compiled: The result of the javascript compilation
This uses the following syntax for declaring sencha widgets in a page:
<st:panel option1="value1" ...>
... child widgets ...
The element name st:<type>
defines the sencha touch widget name. The other options on the element are arguments for the constructor
of that widget with the following syntax:
- Dashed to camelCase translation: As html attributes are case insensitive in some browsers, the translates
attribute names with dashes like
into camelCase attributes likepart1Part2
. - Deep object as configuration: Sencha often takes whole objects as configuration options. This can be set with attribute names that include a dot.
will create an object that contains the propertyindex
and the valuetest
. - Automatic value conversion: Some Sencha Properties properties require ints or booleans. The value will be automatically converted into ints or boolean if they can be converted into those types.
Child widgets within other widgets are automatically added to the parent widget. If the child widget contains the
attribute dock
then the function Container.addDocked
is used, otherwise Contianer.add
The elements in the dom will be injected into the sencha components. So if you add a css class or style to an element, this will apply to the widget of that element.
Angular markup like {{}}
can be used for all attributes. If the sencha components takes such an attribute and renders
some children with it (e.g. the button widget adds the attribute text
as text-child in the dom) those children
will also be automatically be updated by angular. E.g. a <st:button text="{{name}}">
work well when the
name property in the angular scope is updated!
The angular widget ng:repeat
can be used for all widgets and works very well for automatically creating or destroying
The compilation integration is as following:
- Angular is asked to compile to top level elements down unto the first
. - A sencha widget is created for that element and connected to the dom element of the element.
- The sencha widget is asked to render itself
- After the rendering of the sencha widget angular is called (recursively) to compile the children of the sencha widget. By this, angular markup that was rendered by the sencha widget gets bound by angular.
- After the child widgets are completed with compilation, the next top level
is compiled.
This means that we are compiling the widgets for every depths of <st:...>
s with a separate
call to angulars compiler.
Alle meta tags given to Ext.Application
as initialization parameters. The attributes are converted
with the same rules that apply to the attributes of widgets.
The special entry <meta name="auto-start" content="true">
is required to start the application.
Mobile pages are small, so often a usecase is split up into multiple pages. To share common behaviour and state between those pages, this directive allows shared controllers.
The directive will create an own scope for every given controllers and store it
in the variables as name1
, name2
, ....
If the controller is used on more than one page, the instance of the controller is shared.
Note that the shared controller have the full scope functionality, e.g. for dependecy injection
or using $watch
This widget just takes all child elements and wraps them into a sencha component. By this, custom html can be displayed.
As we are not using stores any more, the list component was recreated. Usage:
<div ng:repeat="item in items">
The widget creates for every child <div>
a list entry. That <div>
can have abritary html content.
Grouped list component. Usage:
<div group="{{}}" ng:repeat="group in list.$groupBy('title')">
<div ng:repeat="item in group.entries">
The widget creates for every child <div>
a group entry with the heading of the group
All child <div>
s of those groups are then styled as normal list entry.
That <div>
within the list entries can have abritary html content.
The $groupBy
function ca be used in all angular expressions (via angular.Array.groupBy
). It has the following syntax:
This will return a grouped list that splits the input list by the substring of length groupPropertyLength
of the given groupProperty
The result has the form [{group: "someGroup", entries: [someEntry1, ...]},...]
The selectfield
expects an angular expression in the attribute options
that evaluates to an array.
The expression is evaluated whenever the value of the select changes in the model, or the popup is shown.
By this, selectfields can be used without stores.
<st:selectfield name="rank" label="Rank" display-field="title" value-field="rank" options="[{rank: 'master', title: 'Master'}]">
Those components can be bound, just like usual in angular, via the name
attribute. This does bidirectional databinding.
Marks those elements for which the expression evaluates to true with the css class that is used in sencha for selected list entries.
Enables or disables a widget based on the evaluation of the given expression.
Central directive for event-handling. The event names can either be event names of sencha widgets (e.g. activated
for panels),
but also generic events like tap
, ... that are available for all elements.
Note that the widget events are only available if the directive is added to an <st:...>
that declares a sencha component.
This widget renders an element only if the expression evaluates to true.
The service $waitDialog
allows the access to the Ext.LoadMask. It provides the following functions:
show(msg, callback)
: Opens the wait dialog and shows the given message (if existing). If the user clicks on the wait dialog the given callback is called. This can be called even if the dialog is currently showing. It will the change the message and revert back to the last message when the hide function is called.hide()
: Restores the dialog state before the show function was called.waitFor(promise, msg)
: Shows the dialog as long as the given promise runs. Shows the given message if defined.waitForWithCancel(promise, cancelData, msg)
: Same as above, but rejects the promise with the given cancelData when the user clicks on the wait dialog.
This service calls the setActiveItem` function on the the sencha component that belongs to the dom element with the given id. Useful for TabPanels, Carousels and panels with card layout.
- The transition may be omitted, e.g.
Dialog (floating panel) support:
- If the target component is a dialog, this will show the dialog.
- If the last active component was a dialog, that dialog will automatically be hidden.
- Use the special componentId
to close the currently open dialog.
Every expression can now use the $navigate
expression to define the navigation outside of the controlers
in the html pages. By this, the controllers stay independent of the navigation process and is reusable.
There are two types of syntax:
: Navigates to the given target using the$navigate
service, so the target can also include a transition.$activate(test,'outcome1:target','outcome2:target',...)
: Navigates to that target whose outcome equals to the test. The special outcomessuccess
is applied for any value fortest
that is notfalse
(e.g. alsoundefined
), and the outcomefailure
is used for the valuefalse
of test. This also supports promises. In that case, the navivation is done with the first argument of thedone
callback of the promise. Also, thesuccess
outcome is mapped to thedone
callback and thefailure
outcome to thefail
Lists can be paged in the sense that more entries can be additionally loaded. By "loading" we mean the display of a sublist of a list that is already fully loaded in JavaScript. This is useful, as the main performance problems result from DOM operations, which can be reduced with this paging mechanism.
To implement this paging mechaism, we extend the angular array type with the folling function:
This returns the subarray of the given filtered and ordered array with the currently loaded pages.
The default page size is defined by the meta tag list-page-size
. It can be overwritten by the property pageSize
on arrays. For the filtering and sorting see the angular.Array.filter
and angular.Array.orderBy
The resulting list provides the following functions:
: Returns a boolean indicating if there are more pages that can be loaded.loadNextPage()
: Loads the next page from the list that was given toangular.Array.paged
Note that this will cache the result of two calls until the next eval cycle or a change to the filter or orderBy arguments.
As angular instruments all lists in expressions automatically with the functions form the angular.Array
the function paged
can directly be used in all angular expressions, with a $
as prefix.
The following example shows an example for a paged list for the data in the variable myList
<div ng:repeat="item in list.$paged()">{{item}}</div>
<div st:if="list.$paged().hasMorePages()">
<a href="#" st:event="{tap: 'list.$paged().loadNextPage()'}">Load more</a>