The YUI Project is a two-way open-source project managed by the YUI engineering team at Yahoo!. Please read about our Contributor Model for more details.
(see also Developer Workflow )
Create a free account on account so you can:
- Create bugs and enhancement requests.
- Post on the support forum.
- Contribute modules to the Gallery.
- Contribute documentation, examples or code to the core library. (You will also need a GitHub account and signed CLA - see below).
Create a free account on GitHub so you can:
- Fork the source code.
- Contribute modules to the Gallery. (You can now use your own repo as the source.)
- Contribute documentation, examples or code to the core library.
Submit a CLA
Sign and submit a Contributor License Agreement (CLA) so you can:
- Have your Gallery modules hosted on the Yahoo! CDN.
- Contribute bug fixes and enhancements to the core library.
- Make sure you check "individual" or "company" in the CLA form.
Join YUI Contributor Mailing List
Join the mailing list so you can:
- Discuss technical issues about your feature.
- Contribute to ongoing discussions around YUI features.
- Read about major pull requests and give feedback.
Fork Repo
- Visit and click the fork button.
- Clone this fork down to your local PC.
- For a specific task, create a branch on this clone and check your changes into this branch.
- Push those changes back to your "origin" (back up to github).
Build YUI
- See Building YUI.
Pull Request
- See Making a change to YUI.
- Issue a pull request from your special branch via github to the yui/yui3 repo.
- Make sure your pull request is against
. dev-master
is for small changes or
is for bigger features or updates. (For more details see Branch Information )- Be sure your pull request meets the Contribution Standards.
Other Resources
If you are making a pull request now please take note of the following requirements that your pull request needs (from Contribution Standards, above):
- Complete API Docs and inline code comments
- Unit tests with 80% line coverage
- User Guide (Components only)
- Functional examples, written up in Selleck format and with test automation (
- Proper commit logs
- Proper updates to